Communications Development
Members – Cllrs Lauren Stanley, Jan McClean & Liam Maude
At the Annual Council Meeting on 15th May 2023 the following Members were appointed to the Communications Working Group.
It has been decided that there will be four newsletters per year, focussing on parish council related information for the time being.
We appreciate your feedback as it will help us to improve our newsletter content going forward.
Infrastructure & Build Environment
A traffic consultant has been commissioned to investigate traffic calming measures at Evesham/Station Rd. Initial suggestions are:
- At the start of the 30mph zone into Salford Priors from the east:
- To install a new buildout, in addition to the existing buildout, further east with a relocation of the 30mph to before Bomford Way with new signage.
- A scheme to improve pedestrian crossing facilities given the existing visibility issues for pedestrians
- A potential scheme and build out for traffic approaching from the west.
- New edge of carriageway markings.
Discussions have been held with Warwickshire Highways and the Police, with the Parish Council commissioning topographical surveys to progress the suggestions.
The group is also investigating:
- Progressing road safety & speed reduction measures urgently at Evesham Rd and School Road in Salford Priors, Irons Cross B4088 to Limebridge Bank and Tothall Lane, Dunnington. The Group discussed the results of the recent speed traffic data counts; concern was raised regarding the speed of traffic from Irons Cross to Limebridge Bank in both directions which was more than 50mph, sometimes even up to 85mph. Concern was also expressed on the speed of traffic on Tothall Lane in excess of 30mph; however, the time periods of the worst breaches of excess speed coincide on weekdays with the start and closure of the school day.
Leisure Trails
Members – Cllrs Maude & James In conjunction with The Avon and Arrow Greenway Project (AAGP)
As part of NDP Policy SP14: FOOTPATHS AND CYCLEWAYS the Parish Council called a meeting back in 2018 of adjoining parishes extending to Alcester Town Council to the north and Evesham Town Council to the south. The purpose was to investigate the potential of developing pathways for walkers and cyclists across parish boundaries with the following objectives:
- To promote safe and responsible leisure routes (e.g. cycling, walking) within and across Parish boundaries thereby improving the health and well-being of the local population
- To provide a forum for neighbouring communities establish links with safe cycle and pathway routes
- To champion and seek funding for the development of an improved infrastructure for cyclists and walkers in the area
- To provide a source of information and advice to local and visiting cyclists and walkers
- To promote tourism and encourage visiting cyclists and walkers to use local businesses
- To reduce dependency on the motor car, reduce pollution and so improve our environment
From that initial meeting, it was very clear that there was enthusiasm for such a project among the parishes. The route would be based on the old railway line between the two towns that closed in 1962, and would run along a 10-mile spine route between Alcester and Evesham. As a result of that first meeting, it was agreed to set up a group and take the challenge on!
That group was comprised of representatives from the parish and town councils of Alcester, Bidford on Avon, Cleeve Prior, Evesham, Exhall, Harvington, North and Middle Littleton, Norton and Lenchwick, Offenham, Salford Priors, and Wixford. It was originally called the Cross Parish Cycle and Pathways Project (CPCPP) but this was changed soon after to the Avon to Arrow Greenway Project (AAGP).
An early decision was taken to commission and fund a Feasibility Study for the project from ‘Sustrans,’ the National Sustainable Transport Charity. This excellent comprehensive study has formed the basis for the work of the group since then.
Very significant progress has been made over the last two years or so. All Town and Parish Councils support the proposed route. Discussions are being held with major local landowners and the AAGP has the strong backing of organizations such as the Heart of England Forest and the Avon Navigation Trust.
The section of the AAGP from Station Road, Salford Priors to Wixford (just the other side of the river Arrow bridge from the Fish Inn) is the first section of the route we hope to see implemented.
It is all within the Salford Priors parish area. Most of it is along the old railway line and the remainder is along public footpaths. This operation to eventually install a path for use by walkers, cyclists, and equestrians is shared between AAGP and Salford Priors Parish Council Leisure Trails Working Group.
Detailed mapping of the route has been undertaken by the AAGP. Initial findings of the Ecology Study that has been undertaken have shown that there will be little effect on the local wildlife.
Legal agreements are being sought, and once these have been finalized and various permissions have been granted, we can go ahead and start to install the first section of AAGP route.
The group is currently looking at:
- South Warwickshire Local Plan
- Hold a watching brief on County land holdings within the parish
- Recent developments on Warwickshire Farm Tenancy
Playing Field
- Surface treatment – The Group recommends an autumn maintenance program consisting of subsoil earthquake to de-compact the surface, weed treatment, and fertilizer feed. Clerk to find out from the amenity contractor whether all works were completed last year.
- Grass sward
- Tackle vandalism and graffiti
- The Group would also like to give credit to the amenity contractors for preparing the field for the Jubilee celebrations.
- The Group recommends an extension to the grass screed matting around the cricket and football area by 4m.
Public Rights of Way
Salford Priors Parish has an extensive network of Public Rights of Way (PROW) which are used by the majority of residents. Please see the link below for details. If you require a paper copy of this map please contact the Clerk on the email below.
The Parish Council along with some residents, in 2020, carried out a complete survey of the PROW in the parish for which the Parish Council would like to thank the residents involved for their hard work in achieving this. Clearance and signposting work is currently taking place. We hope this will help walkers keep to the PROW and avoid any unnecessary trespassing.
Public Rights of Way Map
Please click here for a detailed description of all routes.
Public Open Space
Adoption of Public Open Space
CALA has applied to have the Public Open Space signed off with a Completion Certificate, and a site inspection was carried out on 15th June 2022 by a planning officer of Stratford District Council. She has identified numerous and wide-ranging defects. As a consequence of this visit, she has refused the Completion Certificate. CALA has been requested to provide a remediation plan by 1st July 2022.
The group is also investigating:
- Creation of Byelaws – these will be to protect the POS and residents of Priors Crescent. The Parish Council will be consulting with residents and hope to have these in place in the Spring of 2023.
- Maintenance program
- Tree planting schedule
- Installation of bus shelter
- Installation of picnic benches
- Swale boundary hedge specification
- Site security and trespass