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Council Meeting 11th December 2024


To all Members of the Council


You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.




Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council                                                                                                                 Wednesday 4th December




1.           To Receive & Consider Apologies:
2.           Members are reminded of the need to: –

1)          Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item

2)          Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and

3)          State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*


*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.


If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.


Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.


If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.


3.           Open Forum


Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:


a. Open Forum:

At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, namely Planning Matters / Finance Matters. No other matters will be considered. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting.  There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items.  During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.


Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders

4.           Minutes:

To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th November 2024 at the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington.

5.           Planning Matters:

Planning Matters To Consider :

a)          24/02961/FUL Proposed – Erection of 1 no. self-build dwelling including elongation of existing private drive and other associated works at Four Acres, Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UU

b)         24/02106/FUL Proposed – Alterations and extension of existing garage and associated landscape works to form 1 new self build dwelling at Riverside, Kings Lane, Broom, Alcester B50 4HD

c)          24/03026/TREE Proposed T1 English oak: Lift crown where over applicant’s driveway by pruning off 2no. lower limbs back to source.

-T2 Leyland cypress: Fell.

-T3 holly: Reduce height by 4 metres.

At Priory Cottage, Station Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UX

d)         24/02962/VARY Proposed – Variation of Condition 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 19 of 23/02104/VARY dated 31 October 2023 to allow for alterations to Unit 1, 2 and 3, revised Climate Change Checklist and submission of large scale details, landscaping details with consequent alterations to parking/ turning, submission of material schedule and removal of condition 10 as it is no longer necessary. Original description of development: Variation of condition no.2 of planning permission reference 22/01832/FUL dated 21 March 2023 to allow for revised plans amending fenestration details to Barn 1 and rebuild of walls to southern element of Barn 3.

Original description of development: Conversion of agricultural barns to three dwellings along with works and extensions to facilitate conversion, including regrading of access and verge at Old Dunnington Barns, Old Dunnington Farm, Dunnington, Alcester B49 5NU.

e)          24/02500/LDP Proposed Construction of 5m x 4m 3m high Hexagonal wooden shelter in the far corner of the churchyard at St Matthews Church Station Road Salford Priors WR11 8UX

f)            24/02831/LDP Proposed Single Storey rear/side extension. At 10 St Matthews Close Salford Priors WR11 8UY

6.           The Other Place salford (TOPs):

a)          To consider quotes for emergency roof repair.

b)         To receive any update from legal assistance, Zurich Insurance.

7.           Finance : General

a)          To note the payments made between meetings.

b)         Consideration and approval of the payments and transfers listed in Appendix A and to agree 2 Councillor signatories to sign the payments sheet.

c)          To note the bank account balances

8.           General Reserves:

To consider setting a minimum general reserve for 2025/2026

9.           Policy:

Review Community Infrastructure Policy

10.      CIL Projects Update:

To note a further £2,333.44 has been received in relation to 21/01912/REM –

Station House, High Street, Broom, B50 4HN

11.      2024/2025 Budget –

To receive feedback from Cllr James following the recent Finance & Audit Group Meeting 27th November 2024

12.      Budget Proposal 2025/2026

a)     To receive feedback from Cllr James following the recent budget consultation meeting

b)         To consider Salford Priors Parish Council Precept and Budget Proposal for FY 2025/26

c)          To move the resolution to set a precept on the Stratford on Avon District Council for the financial Year 2025/2026

13.      Date of Next Meeting:

To confirm the date of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 15th January 2025 at the Memorial Hall Salford Priors.

14.      Closure of Meeting :







Salford Priors Parish Council

Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held
At the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 11th December 2024.

Present: Councillors: K James (Chairman), R Green, L Maude, J McLean & L Stanley (19:10). District Councillor Stanley
Donna Bowles, Clerk to the Parish Council

Also in attendance: 1 member of the public.

1. Apologies considered for absence:
Cllr Price – accepted
Cllr Meakins – accepted
2. Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date
Members were reminded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly
confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person or act to gain financial or other material benefits for
themselves, their family, a friend, or close associate.

Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item

Declaration of Interests: DPI – None declared, ORI – None declared, NRI – None declared

Members were also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.
3. Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed.
a) 1 member of public was present with no comments.
b) No under 18s were present.
The Chairman closed the open forum and reconvened the meeting at 19:02
4. Acceptance of Minutes:
The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12th November 2024 at the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning Matters:
Planning Matters Considered :
a) 24/02961/FUL Proposed – Erection of 1 no. self-build dwelling including elongation of existing private drive and other associated works at Four Acres, Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UU. Following consideration by Members, Cllr James to provide comments based on members comments.
b) 24/02106/FUL Proposed – Alterations and extension of existing garage and associated landscape works to form 1 new self-build dwelling at Riverside, Kings Lane, Broom, Alcester B50 4HD. This is in a neighbouring parish and as such the Parish Council has no comment to make on this application.
c) 24/03026/TREE Proposed -T1 English oak: Lift crown where over applicant’s driveway by pruning off 2no. lower limbs back to source.
-T2 Leyland cypress: Fell.
-T3 holly: Reduce height by 4 metres at Priory Cottage, Station Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UX. Following consideration Clerk to respond “No Comment”
d) 24/02962/VARY Proposed – Variation of Condition 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 19 of 23/02104/VARY dated 31 October 2023 to allow for alterations to Unit 1, 2 and 3, revised Climate Change Checklist and submission of large scale details, landscaping details with consequent alterations to parking/ turning, submission of material schedule and removal of condition 10 as it is no longer necessary. Original description of development: Variation of condition no.2 of planning permission reference 22/01832/FUL dated 21 March 2023 to allow for revised plans amending fenestration details to Barn 1 and rebuild of walls to southern element of Barn 3.

Original description of development: Conversion of agricultural barns to three dwellings along with works and extensions to facilitate conversion, including regrading of access and verge at Old Dunnington Barns, Old Dunnington Farm, Dunnington, Alcester B49 5NU. Following consideration Clerk to respond “No Comment”
e) 24/02500/LDP Proposed Construction of 5m x 4m 3m high Hexagonal wooden shelter in the far corner of the churchyard at St Matthews Church Station Road Salford Priors WR11 8UX. Following consideration by Members, Cllr James to provide comments based on members comments.
f) 24/02831/LDP Proposed Single Storey rear/side extension. At 10 St Matthews Close Salford Priors WR11 8UY. Following consideration Clerk to respond “No comment”.
g) 24/03102/FUL Proposed single storey side/rear extension and porch at 18 School Avenue, Salford Priors, Evesham, WR11 8XB. Following consideration Clerk to respond “No objection”.
6. The Other Place salford (TOPs):
a) Members considered the two quotes received, one for £750 and another for £1800, noting that three builders had inspected the site. It was resolved to proceed with the higher quote as it included repairs to additional areas of the roof. The Clerk informed Members that Zurich Insurance’s legal team (DAS Legal) requires an estimated cost of the repairs. Once this information is provided, it will determine which panel of Solicitors will be engaged to assist. The appointed Solicitors will then advise on the timeline for carrying out the repairs. Members requested the Clerk advise that the anticipated cost will total approximately £4,000, although future repairs may also be required.
7. Finance:
a) Members noted the payments made between meetings:
BACS Steve Cooper Bin – Mem Garden 650.00 650.00
BACS Steve Baker Services Lman Works 120.00 120.00
BACS Nisbetts Bain Marie – Warm Hub 173.38 28.89 144.49
TOTAL 943.38 28.89 914.49

b) The council gave consideration and approval of the payments listed in Appendix A. It was proposed to accept these by Cllr Green seconded by Cllr McLean and agreed by all Councillors. It was agreed that Cllrs Stanley & McLean would sign the payments sheet confirming the payments in Appendix A have been approved by full Council and there is provision within the budget, financial regulations and relevant policies have been followed.
c) Members noted the bank account balances as at 30th November 2024:
Lloyds Deposit Account 79,180.09
Lloyds Current Account 10,794.59
Lloyds CIL Account 243,085.81
Lloyds Warm Hub Acc 2,379.35
Total Fund Balance 335,439.84

8. General Reserves:
Cllr James proposed to set a minimum general revenue reserve for 25/26 of £57,000, seconded by Cllr Green. Unanimous approval by all present.
9. Regulatory Document:
Members reviewed the Community Infrastructure Policy and approved its review date for May 2027.
10. CIL Update:
a) Members noted a further £2,333.44 has been received in relation to 21/01912/REM – Station House, High Street, Broom, B50 4HN
11. 2024/2025 Budget –
a) The quarterly meeting of the Finance & Audit Group on Wednesday 27th November reviewed the current expenditure and income. Present Cllr Kim James & the Clerk with Cllr Price sending his apologies. All budget headings are on track, with a predicted surplus of between £5k and £8k at financial close. Surplus will be transferred into general reserves.

Expenditure on the TOPs Building remains a high risk. It is recommended that only wind/weatherproofing and safety maintenance be carried out until a comprehensive review of TOPs as a community building is completed. Currently, the building is not deemed sustainable. Any increase in land lease costs would accelerate the need to decide regarding the long-term viability of the building. Members agreed with this recommendation.

The group also reviewed a draft budget for 2025/2026, noting the need to remain prudent to set a balanced budget to avoid excessive increases in the precept.
Future revenue expenditure must be assessed with a focus on the greater good, rather than what might be considered popular or merely a nicety. Like all public bodies, the Parish Council faces both external pressures—such as increases in National Insurance, pension contributions, national pay awards, insurances, and legal fees—and local pressures, such as the need to support community groups or organisations. As the Parish Council receive no grant funding, the expenditure is met entirely from the precept levied on each household in the parish.

The project register was reviewed and updated; the CIL funds are continuously monitored by the Clerk.

Delays to the legal process of the Greenway Project remains at high risk.

Completion of some of the project funding is encouraging.
12. Budget Proposal 2025/2026
a) The Chairman talked through the recent Public Consultation Meeting regarding future Parish Council budget expenditure. Cllrs Kim James (Chairman) Rosemary Green, Jan Mclean, Lauren Stanley were present along with 16 members of the public. The Chairman provided an overview of the purpose of the public consultation process. He explained that the aim was to gather the views of residents regarding current and future council spending, as well as the economic challenges that local councils are facing. The Chairman explained the budget process and how the precept was calculated and then went through the current 2024/25 budget, the council’s financial commitments, the role of the council’s Finance & Audit Group and the need in law to set a balanced budget.
The Chairman took questions from resident and opened the meeting up to residents. The following was discussed:
Synopsis of Future Budget Items (Not in any preferential order).
– CCTV Security Camera on TOPs building
– Wi-Fi Hub TOPs building
– Improvements to the Public Right of Way Network
– Additional dog & waste bins
– Street lighting Evesham/Station Road
– Street lighting School Road from Park Hall Mews to the Tothall Lane junction
– Better audio provision in the Memorial Hall – cannot hear discussion at Council Meetings
– Grant for improvements to the toilets at the Memorial Hall
– Additional tree planting around the parish
– Community orchards
– Improvements to the Permitted Right of Way opposite the Post Office & Shop, School Road
– Computer courses for residents
– Improvement to the verges in School Road affected by the Priors Crescent development
Other matters raised by residents including an accusation by an agitated resident that the Parish
Council were advising parishioners on social media (WhatsApp) to walk across private land in
Priors Crescent were addressed by the Chairman and an external meeting with the resident was
arranged. On concluding the discussions, the Chairman said it had been a most useful meeting and
hoped that it gave all those present an insight in how the Parish Council sets its precept and how
the council sets its spending commitments.
b) The Chairman then invited the Council to consider the forecast expenditure for 2025/2026. The projected expenditure was reviewed and following a debate a projected spend of £84,150 was agreed.
c) Cllr James proposed that “the Parish Council set a precept on the Stratford on Avon District Council of £84,000.00 (eighty four thousand pounds) for the municipal year 2025/2026”. Seconded by Cllr Green. Agreed unanimously. Clerk to submit paperwork to Stratford District Council.

25-26 Tax base analysis 24-25
84,000 Precept Requirement as agreed 79,000
84,000 Precept to request for Stratford District Council 79,000
677.88 Council tax base for Salford Parish 681.7
123.92 Band “D” Council tax for the year 115.89
8.03 Difference year to year Band D
0.67 Difference per month Band D
6.48% % increase for next year Band D

d) Date of Next Meeting:
Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors.
e) Closure of Meeting: The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.23 hrs

Chairman: ______________________________________________Date:_________________


BACS HMRC Clerk & PC NIC 185.14 0.00 185.14
BACS Mrs D Bowles Salary & Expenses 1253.55 1253.55
BACS Birketts AAGP Fees 792.00 132.00 660.00
BACS Limebridge Rural Services Christmas Trees 2940.60 490.10 2450.50
BACS PlayMaintainRepair Quarterly Inspection 150.00 25.00 125.00
BACS Kim James Warm Hub Expenses 196.03 196.03
BACS Mrs R Green Warm Hub Expenses 24.60 24.60
BACS Wicksteed Leisure Swing Repairs 1165.85 194.31 971.54
BACS Jan McClean Warm Hub Expenses 113.97 113.97
BACS Water Plus Allotments 9.62 1.60 8.02
DC SP Mem Hall Warm Hub Hire 330.00 0.00 330.00
DC SP Mem Hall Hire of Hall & Office 450.00 0.00 450.00
DD EDF Energy TOPs Energy 108.00 108.00
DD EDF Energy Defib – Abbots Salford 14.58 0.69 13.89
DD Lloyds Service Charge 7.00 0.00 7.00
DD O2 Line Rental Charge 25.63 4.27 21.36
DD Yu Energy Streetlight Energy 19.34 0.92 18.42
Total 7785.91 848.89 6937.02

Appendix B – 2025/2026 Draft Budget

Budget Heading Yr 24/25 Yr 25/26
Salary / Pension / NI / Pension & HMRC 16600.00 18000.00
LG Pension Fund – PC Contribution 1300.00 1500.00
Clerk’s Expense Account 1000.00 1000.00
Administration/Subs & Fees 6000.00 5000.00
Office & Hall Hire 2000.00 2000.00
Highways & Lengthsman 3500.00 1500.00
Repairs & Maintenance 8000.00 5000.00
Amenity Contract 11000.00 11000.00
Planter & Misc Landscape Contract 8000.00 8000.00
PROW 2500.00 2500.00
TOPs 2500.00 2500.00
Playing Field 3000.00 3000.00
Street Light Maintenance 150.00 150.00
Street Light Energy 1600.00 1500.00
Defib Energy A. Salford 400.00 200.00
Community Grants Fund 1000.00 1000.00
HMRC 900.00 1300.00
Allotments 1200.00 1000.00
Allotments Awards Evening 300.00 300.00
Warm Hub Grant 3500.00 4000.00
Christmas Parish Festivities (Trees) 2500.00 3500.00
VE Day Celebrations 0.00 2500.00
NDP Review 0.00 5000.00
Capital Expenditure 0.00 0.00
Members Expenses 50.00 50.00
Insurance 1650.00 1900.00
Training 250.00 250.00
Chairman’s Allowance 500.00 500.00
Special Projects 0.00 0.00
Totals 79400.00 84150.00


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