To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.
Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council Wednesday 8th May
1. | To Receive & Consider Apologies: |
2. | Members are reminded of the need to: –
1) Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item 2) Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and 3) State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*
*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.
If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.
Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.
If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.
3. | Open Forum
Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:
a. Open Forum: At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting. There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items. During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.
b. Open forum for the under 18s. c. To receive the Ward Member’s reports (3 minutes maximum each Ward Councillor) – SDC – Cllr Lauren Stanley – WCC – Cllr. Daren Pemberton
Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders |
4. | Minutes:
To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th April 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors.
5. | Planning Matters:
Planning Matters To Consider : a) 24/01002/FUL Proposed – Proposed two storey rear extension at 31 Broom Lane, Dunnington, Warwickshire, B49 5NU Considered: b) 24/00703/FUL Proposed – Construction of one self-build dwelling with all associated works at Station House, High Street, Broom, Bidford-On-Avon, Warwickshire. As the planning committee received a presentation on the proposed development at its last meeting in February and was supportive of the proposals, members felt that observations could be made without calling a meeting of the committee. Comments were:
“No Objection. The application site lies in a location where development would not normally be supported by the development plan, however, there are substantial material considerations that would support the grant of planning permission therefore; the Parish Council fully support the proposed development of this site as outlined within the planning application, the endeavour to restore and repurpose this commercial site, a former railway station and associated sidings, utilising the site’s brownfield status is both commendable and in line with the principles of sustainable regeneration.
The applicant’s commitment to preserving the high-quality design and architectural vernacular reminiscent of an original Victorian railway station is particularly noteworthy, paying homage to the historical railway significance of the area, this application not only revitalizes a piece of local heritage but also contributes to the cultural identity of the parish.
Moreover, the utilisation of this redundant brownfield site aligns with both national (National Planning Policy Framework NPPF) and local (Salford Seven NDP) policies. By repurposing underutilised land, we can mitigate against development in more sensitive rural areas, preserve our green spaces and promote compact, sustainable development.
It was not left as an attractive sight following the demolition of the railway infrastructure, the site was not making a positive contribution to the setting of the village of Broom.
The proposed positive redevelopment of this site will enhance the aesthetic, environmental and social fabric of the local area and the neighbouring village of Broom.
The following Salford Seven Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), policies are considered to berelevant:
– SP1 Protecting the Historic Environment – SP3 Protecting the Rural Character and Environment – SP4 High Quality Design – SP11 Woodlands, Trees and Hedgerows – SP14 Footpaths and Cycleways – SP15 Car Parking
The proposed design approach accords with NDP Policy SP1 which supports development proposals that “demonstrate how they reflect, preserve and enhance the locally distinctive design attributes of the historic and cultural built heritage that contribute to the character and identity of the Parish…”
NDP Policy SP4, which requires new development to be a of a “high quality design, improve the quality of the public realm and maintain a strong sense of place, reflecting the character and the distinctiveness of the parish and its settlements”.
Bringing the site back into an active use using an appropriate design approach and removing historic areas of hardstanding and building foundations presents an opportunity for enhancement of the landscape character that accords with NDP Policy SP3 which seeks to mitigate the impacts of new developments on the rural character and landscape of the Parish, and, where possible, provide enhancement.
If a Section 106 agreement is proposed for this site, the Parish Council would like to see a contribution to the maintenance of a section of the adjacent public footpath AL17 which is now the route of a proposed cycle corridor connecting Salford Priors and Wixford. NDP Policy SP14.
The proposals are considered to constitute sustainable development and the scheme should therefore be granted permission. Planning Decisions: c) 24/00533/FUL – Erection of extension to the side and rear of the bungalow at 10 St Matthews Close, Salford Priors, Warwickshire, WR11 8UY Planning Permission Granted with Conditions. |
6. | Clerk’s Progress Report :
To note report in agenda pack. |
7. | Highways & Maintenance Officer:
a) To note jobs issued from last Council meeting; comment on progress b) To consider future tasks to be issued |
8. | Working Groups Update:
a) Infrastructure & Built Environment: 1) Highways – to receive update following meeting 7th May. 2) Public Open Space – to note Enforcement has requested a site survey be carried out by their Landscape Officer. Report awaited. 3) NDP 4) Playing Field 5) Allotments 6) PROW To receive report from Cllr R Green on the Public Rights of Way within the Parish b) Communications c) Planning – this Committee has not been required to meet between Parish Council meetings d) Project Delivery Group – to receive update |
9. | Community :
a) To consider quote for new bin in the War Memorial Garden in the style of the war memorial. b) To consider way forward regarding defibrillator at Rushford, eg no power vs solar/wind power to ensure the defibrillator is always accessible. c) To note Electrical Installation Condition inspection for TOPs is due by July 2024. d) To consider email from County Traffic & Safety Team regarding VAS on Evesham Rd near Cedar Cottage. |
10. | Matters raised by Councillors:
Matters raised by Councillors are considered under this item. Councillors are also invited to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. (At the discretion of the Chairman Councillors may raise items at the meeting if considered necessary and urgent). a) Cllr Maude – Erection of wooden buildings for the rearing of Game Birds Ragley Shoot Dunnington Heath |
11. | Consideration of Correspondence Received :
a) Email received regarding parking issues on School Rd/School Ave b) From Mr M Bright, School Rd regarding Parish Council Precept. |
12. | Correspondence to Note:
(The Clerk will provide individual copies of correspondence for retention if required). a) WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated b) NALC Updates – Circulated |
13. | Finance : General
a) To consider Section 2 – Annual Governance and Accountability Return – Accounting Statements – Salford Priors Parish Council Accounts FY 2023/24. b) To note internal auditor report for FY 2023/24 and note no recommendations. To consider placing this on the website. c) To note the Parish Council has been selected for an intermediate review. d) To consider the quotes received for the supply of electricity for the streetlighting. e) To note the amendments made to the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioner’s Guide 2024. This guide is kept on the OneDrive folder for easy access and all Councillors have received the link. f) Consideration and approval of the payments and transfers listed in Appendix A and to agree 2 Councillor signatories to sign the BACS remittances for payments. g) To note the bank account balances |
14. | Date of Next Meeting:
To confirm the date of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington. |
15. | Closure of Meeting : |
Salford Priors Parish Council
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held
At the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 15th May 2024.
Present: Councillors: K James (Chairman), R Green, L Maude, J McLean, J Meakins (left 20:00) & L Stanley.
District Councillor Stanley
Donna Bowles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Also in attendance: 2 members of the public.
1. | Apologies considered for absence:
Cllr Price – accepted |
2. | Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date
Members were reminded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person or act to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, a friend, or close associate.
Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item
Declaration of Interests: – DPI –Cllr Stanley Agenda item 8a(4) – husband is a Director of Limebridge Rural Services and will leave the meeting when discussed. – ORI – Cllr James Agenda item 8a(4), brother is an owner/Director of Limebridge Rural Services and will leave the meeting when discussed. – NRI – None declared
Members were also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter. |
3. | Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed.
a) 2 members of public were present: Request made to advertise the litter pickers on noticeboards, social media and the next Parish Connect. A stock check also to be carried out. b) No under 18s were present. c) County Councillor Daren Pemberton’s Report – not in attendance nor report received – District Councillor Stanley had supplied a summary for 23/24 report e-mailed prior to the meeting to all Parish Councillors. Following the annual District Council meeting, Cllr Stanley has been appointed to the Joint Consultation Negotiation Group and co-opted on to the Health & Safety Group. – Cllr James advised that 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the District Council. The Chairman closed the open forum and reconvened the meeting at 19:20 |
4. | Acceptance of Minutes:
The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th April 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. |
5. | Planning Matters:
Applications Considered: a) 24/01002/FUL Proposed – Proposed two storey rear extension at 31 Broom Lane, Dunnington, Warwickshire, B49 5NU. As the planning portal is down for maintenance Clerk to contact the Case Officer advising Members have not been able to view this application. Comments / Observations to be e-mailed to the Clerk. Considered: b) 24/00703/FUL Proposed – Construction of one self-build dwelling with all associated works at Station House, High Street, Broom, Bidford-On-Avon, Warwickshire. As the planning committee received a presentation on the proposed development at its last meeting in February and was supportive of the proposals, members felt that observations could be made without calling a meeting of the committee. Comments were:
“No Objection. The application site lies in a location where development would not normally be supported by the development plan, however, there are substantial material considerations that would support the grant of planning permission therefore; the Parish Council fully support the proposed development of this site as outlined within the planning application, the endeavour to restore and repurpose this commercial site, a former railway station and associated sidings, utilising the site’s brownfield status is both commendable and in line with the principles of sustainable regeneration.
The applicant’s commitment to preserving the high-quality design and architectural vernacular reminiscent of an original Victorian railway station is particularly noteworthy, paying homage to the historical railway significance of the area, this application not only revitalizes a piece of local heritage but also contributes to the cultural identity of the parish.
Moreover, the utilisation of this redundant brownfield site aligns with both national (National Planning Policy Framework NPPF) and local (Salford Seven NDP) policies. By repurposing underutilised land, we can mitigate against development in more sensitive rural areas, preserve our green spaces and promote compact, sustainable development.
It was not left as an attractive sight following the demolition of the railway infrastructure, the site was not making a positive contribution to the setting of the village of Broom.
The proposed positive redevelopment of this site will enhance the aesthetic, environmental and social fabric of the local area and the neighbouring village of Broom.
The following Salford Seven Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP), policies are considered to be relevant:
SP1 Protecting the Historic Environment SP3 Protecting the Rural Character and Environment SP4 High Quality Design SP11 Woodlands, Trees and Hedgerows SP14 Footpaths and Cycleways SP15 Car Parking
The proposed design approach accords with NDP Policy SP1 which supports development proposals that “demonstrate how they reflect, preserve and enhance the locally distinctive design attributes of the historic and cultural built heritage that contribute to the character and identity of the Parish…”
NDP Policy SP4, which requires new development to be a of a “high quality design, improve the quality of the public realm and maintain a strong sense of place, reflecting the character and the distinctiveness of the parish and its settlements”.
Bringing the site back into an active use using an appropriate design approach and removing historic areas of hardstanding and building foundations presents an opportunity for enhancement of the landscape character that accords with NDP Policy SP3 which seeks to mitigate the impacts of new developments on the rural character and landscape of the Parish, and, where possible, provide enhancement.
If a Section 106 agreement is proposed for this site, the Parish Council would like to see a contribution to the maintenance of a section of the adjacent public footpath AL17 which is now the route of a proposed cycle corridor connecting Salford Priors and Wixford. NDP Policy SP14.
The proposals are considered to constitute sustainable development and the scheme should therefore be granted permission. Planning Decisions: c) 24/00533/FUL – Erection of extension to the side and rear of the bungalow at 10 St Matthews Close, Salford Priors, Warwickshire, WR11 8UY Planning Permission Granted with Conditions. |
6. | Clerk’s Progress Report:
a) Clerk is still awaiting an appointment for the installation of a smart meter at TOPs. b) Tothall Lane flooding issues – The matter regarding the substantial water discharge from adjoining farmland has been deferred from the Flood Management Team back to County Highways. Clerk has chased for a response. c) The Highways sign on Evesham Rd reported recently has still not been replaced. Clerk to chase. d) Following Cllr Maude’s query regarding fibre broadband at Weethley, Openreach aim to have full availability by the end of 2026 there is some fibre availability now through superfast fibre broadband. e) The order has been placed for the three additional lighting columns on School Rd. The columns should be installed quickly however the electricity connection will take around 12 weeks. Road traffic management is currently taking around 12 weeks. f) A further quote has been requested and received for a replacement roof for TOPs. Two quotations have now been received. Clerk to obtain one more quote however this is proving difficult. If no more quotes are received the Council will take a decision at the June meeting. g) The defib training took place on Thursday 18th April at The Vineyard. This was well attended and Clerk has sent a letter of thanks. h) The Clerk had received six Life Vac Choke Kits for distribution to the community venues Salford Priors School, Dunnington School, Dunnington Baptist Church St Matthews CofE Church, TOPs and the Memorial Hall. |
7. | Highways & Maintenance Officer:
a) To cut back the vegetation around the dog bins on School Road from the Orchard Farm Post to the drive entrance b) To cut/strim the grass area by the PC noticeboard at Dunnington school. c) It has been noted that verge cutting has taken place recently with numerous complaints and criticism on social media. Cllr James stipulated these works have been carried out by Warwickshire County Council and not the Parish Council’s amenity contractor. |
8. | Working Groups Update:
a) Infrastructure & Built Environment: Members noted the report: 1. Highways – Station Rd/Evesham Rd Traffic Calming Lighting Scheme – a meeting took place on 7th May with Councillors James, Green, and McClean, in addition to the Clerk and County Officers Graham Stanley and Mike McDonnell from the County Highways Team:
Graham Stanley advised that a road closure would be necessary to facilitate the upcoming works, expected to be completed by the end of September 2024. These works include the replacement of setts near Corner Cottage on School Road and verge work at the School/Evesham Road junction. The aim is to minimise road closure to just one day, with the Clerk tasked to co-ordinate with Graham regarding Bomford Turner’s shutdown schedule, potentially aligning the works during this period.
Cllr James raised the issue of new drop kerbs on School Road, which will be investigated. An update was also sought on recent traffic calming measures implemented on School Road, as temporary signage remains in place. Graham Stanley will investigate this.
The Clerk sought clarification on the Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) status on Evesham Road which will be discussed under agenda item 9d. The Clerk also requested an update on the Parish Council’s proposal to repaint dragon’s teeth and school line signage, with Graham tasked to relay this to the appropriate department. Once repainted, Graham advised that these markings would become enforceable from September and he will approach CALA regarding funding for these works. 2. Public Open Space – – Members noted Enforcement has requested a site survey be carried out by their Landscape Officer. Report awaited. – The estate road around Priors Crescent will be adopted by Warwickshire County Council however the traffic calming and kerbing is at an illegal height at present for an adopted road. – Permission has been sought and agreed from CALA to install three coronation benches under the Queen’s canopy of trees with a plaque Salford Priors Parish Council to mark the coronation of King Charles III 6th May 2023. – Clerk has investigated the costs of an electrical installation on to the Public Open Space. This will facilitate the availability of power for Christmas tree lighting and any future events that may take place on the space. National Grid has provided a quote for electrical provision in the sum of £5,837.27. Further quotes were not sought as National Grid is the only Company that can provide this service. Cllr James proposed the quote is accepted, Cllr R Green seconded. Unanimously approved with funds to be drawn from the Community Infrastructure Levy fund. 3. NDP – a further workshop will take place to consider future housing needs in the next 4-6 weeks. 4. Playing Field – Cllrs James & Stanley left the room. – Quotes have been obtained for necessary repairs on the playing field subsequent to the latest quarterly report. It was decided to accept both quotes since they address different aspects of the required work. Although typically three quotes would be sought for the amenity part of the works, it was determined that the amenity contractor, known for consistently offering the most economical quote, has a history of delivering high-quality work to the Parish Council. – Cllrs James & Stanley returned to the meeting – It is advisable to have safety signs installed at the skatepark. The decision was made to buy a 60 x 90 double-sided sign for this purpose. 5. Garden Allotments – one invoice outstanding – Clerk to chase. New padlock to be replaced. 6. PROW – path strimming works have taken place along with re-erecting a few way marker posts and erecting new posts to help walkers keep to the official paths. b) Communications: Nothing to report, next newsletter to be delivered first week November. Cllr James & Cllr Green to approach David Penn to see if he would be willing to distribute them. c) Planning – this Committee has not been required to meet between Parish Council meetings d) Project Delivery Group – a meeting took place last where the schedules were reviewed once again. The consultant has been asked to provide the draft legal agreements to kick start the process. The primary focus remains on completing the Salford to Broom route. There is a concern regarding the expiration of the grant offer before funds are utilised. To mitigate this risk, it’s proposed that aggregate and fencing be purchased if time constraints become critical. The decision was made to proceed with the draft legal agreements and collaborate with Warwickshire County Council as needed. A quote has been received of around £4,500 for the ramp. However, execution of these works is pending the signing of all legal agreements. |
9. | Community:
a) A quote has been received in the sum of £650 for a bin in the War Memorial Garden in the style of the war memorial. It was resolved to accept the quote; this can be funded from CIL monies and will be emptied by the Memorial Hall. b) Following discussion regarding the way forward for the new defibrillator at Rushford, it was agreed for Clerk to contact National Grid for a quote for an electrical source. If a defibrillator is placed in a non-heated cabinet it needs to be taken out of action if the weather becomes too cold. Various options are being considered. c) Members noted the Electrical Installation Condition inspection for TOPs is booked for 31st May. d) The VAS on Evesham Rd near Cedar Cottage is out of action. Warwickshire County Council, Traffic & Safety Team have advised that the Personal Injury Collision history at the site is good and does not warrant the installation of a new sign. Whilst it would be their intention to remove the non-working VAS they do have a policy which provides an opportunity for communities to retain the VAS by providing funding to Warwickshire County Council for the sign’s ongoing maintenance and repair. Cllr James proposed that the Parish Council adopts the site contingent upon Warwickshire County Council replacing the VAS with the funding allocated from CIL monies. Clerk to obtain a quote for a replacement sign. Cllr Stanley seconded. Unanimous approval. Cllr James advised that any other VAS installed is at risk of being removed once they malfunction. |
10. | Matters Raised by Councillors:
a) Cllr Maude – Erection of wooden buildings for the rearing of Game Birds Ragley Shoot Dunnington Heath. This has been reported to the Stratford on Avon District Council Planning Enforcement Team. b) Cllr Maude – requested the flooding on B4088 be reported to Highways; this to be monitored. |
11. | Correspondence Considered:
a) An email has been received regarding parking issues on School Rd/School Ave at school drop-off times. Clerk to respond advising that new line painting will be taking place and legislation is changing from 1st September 2024 where on spot fixed penalty notices will be issued for parking on yellow lines outside schools. b) Marcia Eccleston Head of Law & Governance and Monitoring Officer of Stratford District Council had received a letter concerning the Parish Council precept, which has now been passed on to the Parish Council for their response. Council members thoroughly examined the contents of the letter and drafted a response, addressing each point systematically that related to the Parish Council. Councillor James will compile this response, and the Clerk will ensure that the full response is sent to both the resident by post and copied to the Monitoring Officer |
12. | Correspondence Noted:
a) WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated b) NALC Updates – Circulated c) A thank you letter has been received from St Matthews Church for the grant monies provided for the roof repairs. |
13. | Finance : General
a) A copy of Section 2 Annual Governance and Accountability Return Salford Priors Parish Council Accounts FY 2023/24 was provided for inspection and debate by all Council Members, having been signed by the Clerk in the role of Responsible Finance Officer. Confirmation of acceptance was proposed by Cllr James, seconded by Cllr McClean and agreed by all Councillors. Clerk to prepare Section 2 entries for Minute Reference, dating and signature by the Chairman. b) Members noted the internal auditor report for FY 2023/24 and note no recommendations. It was resolved to place the report on the website. c) Members noted the Parish Council has been selected for an intermediate review. This provides a considerable amount of extra work for the Clerk. d) Members considered the quotes provided by Clear Utility Solutions for the streetlighting energy provision. It was resolved to accept the quote from Yu energy for a 2 year fixed period. e) Members noted the amendments made to the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance Practitioner’s Guide 2024. This guide is kept on the OneDrive folder for easy access and all Councillors have received the link. f) The council gave consideration and approval of the payments listed in Appendix A. It was proposed to accept these by Cllr Stanley seconded by Cllr Maude and agreed by all Councillors. It was agreed that Cllrs Stanley & Maude would sign the payments sheet confirming the payments in Appendix A have been approved by full Council and there is provision within the budget, financial regulations and relevant policies have been followed. g) Members noted the first precept payment from Stratford District Council was received on 22nd April in the sum of £39,500. h) Members noted the VAT repayment claim from HMRC had been received on 24th April to the sum of £6,689.24 i) Members noted the bank account balances
14. | Date of Next Meeting:
Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 19th June 2024, 7pm at the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington. |
15. | Closure of Meeting: The Chairman closed the meeting at 21:20 hrs |
Chairman: ______________________________________________Date:_________________
BACS | HMRC | Clerk & PC NIC | 162.63 | 0.00 | 162.63 |
BACS | Mrs D Bowles | Salary & Expenses | 1230.20 | 1230.20 | |
BACS | Zurich Municipal | Annual PC Insce | 1725.81 | 1725.81 | |
BACS | Shakespeare Lions | Defib Training | 200.00 | 0.00 | 200.00 |
BACS | Water Plus | Allotment Supply | 9.50 | 1.58 | 7.92 |
BACS | Limebridge Rural | Amenity Mowing | 1842.60 | 307.10 | 1535.50 |
BACS | Mrs R Green | Warm Hub Expenses | 178.87 | 178.87 | |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | PROW Works | 72.00 | 72.00 | |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | Maintenance Mowing | 48.00 | 48.00 | |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | Allotment Strimming | 48.00 | 48.00 | |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | PROW Works 2 | 68.00 | 68.00 | |
DD | Water Plus | Surface Water TOPs | 130.84 | 0.00 | 130.84 |
DD | Lloyds | Service Charge | 7.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
DD | NEST | Clerk Pension | 186.57 | 0.00 | 186.57 |
DD | O2 | Line Rental Charge | 23.57 | 3.93 | 19.64 |
DD | EDF Energy | TOPs | 108.00 | 108.00 | |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 75.34 | 3.59 | 71.75 |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 19.56 | 0.93 | 18.63 |
Total | 6136.49 | 317.13 | 5819.36 |
- 4. Apr Mins 17.4
- 6. Clerk Progress Report
- 9a. Quote bin
- 9b. Defib
- 9d. V261 Evesham Road, Abbotts Salford, Salford Priors
- 11a. School Rd Parking Issues
- 11b. Letter
- 13a. Section 2 Accounting Statement
- 13b. Internal Audit Report
- 13b. Salford Priors PC AIAR 2023-24 Signed
- 13d. Streetlighting electricity
- 13f. Appendix A Apr
- 13g. Bank Account Totals May