To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.
Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council 28th August 2024
1. | To Receive & Consider Apologies: |
2. | Members are reminded of the need to: –
1) Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item 2) Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and 3) State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*
*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.
If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.
Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.
If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.
3. | Open Forum
Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:
a. Open Forum: At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting. There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items. During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.
b. Open forum for the under 18s. c. To receive the Ward Member’s reports (3 minutes maximum each Ward Councillor) – SDC – Cllr Lauren Stanley – WCC – Cllr Daren Pemberton
Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders |
4. | Minutes:
To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 17th July 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors. |
5. | Planning Matters To Consider:
a) 24/01757/FUL Proposed new and replacement extensions at Tanglewood, Dunnington, Alcester, B49 5NT Planning Matters Considered : b) 24/01685/LDE Rear bedroom bungalow extension. Mistelle, Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UU. Following consideration via email the Parish Council had no comment to make. Decisions: c) 24/00860/FUL & 24/00861/LBC – Extension to chimney stack to increase height to 1830mm above the thatch in order to meet building regulation requirements and to ensure safe extraction from chimney flue at Victoria Cottage , Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Warwickshire WR11 8UU. Planning Permission & Listed Building Consent is Granted Subject to Conditions. d) 24/00703/FUL Construction of one self-build dwelling with all associated works at Station House , High Street, Broom, Bidford-On-Avon Warwickshire Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions. |
6. | Clerk’s Progress Report :
a) Angus Soft Fruits have arranged for the overgrowth on the hedge on Evesham Rd to be cut. They currently cut this twice a year; the last cut took place on 19th February. b) Ban Brook blockage – National Highways has confirmed the culvert under the A46 is free flowing. There are some willow trees that need removing from the areas National Highways are responsible for and Clerk is waiting to find out when this work can be delivered. c) Remedial works following the Electrical Installation Conditions Report have been completed and a new motion sensor light installed at TOPs. d) The water damaged ceiling boards in TOPs have been replaced, and some maintenance works have taken place. e) The overgrown hedge at B4088 Irons Cross has been reported to Warwickshire County Council Highways as it is forcing cyclists and motorcyclists into the middle of the road. f) Warwickshire County Council has confirmed the hedges between the Ban Brook Rd entrances have been trimmed. |
7. | Highways & Maintenance Officer:
a) To note jobs issued from last Council meeting; comment on progress: All works complete from July’s meeting except the installation of the skateboard and pump track signage b) To consider future tasks to be issued |
8. | Working Groups Update:
a) Infrastructure & Built Environment: 1) Highways – to note update regarding works on School Rd. Meeting to take place with Working Group and Warwickshire County Council Highways on 11th September regarding traffic calming works. 2) Public Open Space o To note CALA Homes’ response regarding Parish Council request to enhance security on the Public Open Space o To note CALA Homes’ response regarding permanent ground socket and to consider request to support a Deed of Variation to S106 to allow the Parish Council to transfer of the land after the Completion Certificate process. o To receive update following a recent meeting with Bill Mann, Senior/Civils Contracts Manager 3) NDP – no further update 4) Playing Field – o to note repair works have been carried out to a piece of equipment and a wasps nest removed. o To consider continuing the quarterly inspections with PlayMaintainRepair at £125 per quarter. An annual inspection is being arranged. 5) Garden Allotments – o Note there have been some changes within the allotments however they are all still occupied with no waiting list. the Working Group will meet to: o consider increasing the deposit for garden allotments. o consider changes to the garden allotment agreement. b) PROW – o The Lengthsman has cut back the bramble hedge along both sides of AL10 that runs behind the Bell Inn, strimmed the path surface between the hedges and around the kissing gates. o Dog Mess on Public Footpaths, adjoining agricultural land. c) Communications – to receive feedback following a recent meeting d) Planning – this Committee has not been required to meet between Parish Council meetings e) Project Delivery Group – To receive update regarding the legal agreements. f) Amenity – o To note the amenity contract expires Oct 2024. To consider an extension to 31st March 2024. o To set up a Working Group to consider the 2025/2029 contract tender. |
9. | Community :
a) To consider the purchase of 3 x Christmas trees – junction of Evesham Rd/School Rd, Dunnington and Abbot’s Salford. b) To note the new village sign has been received. Clerk awaiting confirmation from Highways regarding new position. c) Clerk is still waiting to hear from Warwickshire County Council, Streetlighting Department regarding the provision of electricity for a defibrillator at Rushford, once National Grid have carried out the initial works. d) To note the remedial works following the Electrical Installation Condition Report at TOPs has taken place. Next inspection due 2029 unless there are any significant alterations. |
10. | Matters raised by Councillors:
Matters raised by Councillors are considered under this item. Councillors are also invited to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. (At the discretion of the Chairman Councillors may raise items at the meeting if considered necessary and urgent). a) Cllr. James – Bidford Bridge Closure – Integrated Highways Authority Approach for long term solution. b) Cllr. James A46T The need to consider future traffic movements and improving safety at the Salford Island. c) Cllr. James proposes that a public consultation meeting to be held in November to discuss future council expenditure and the precept for 2025/2026 d) Clerk – to consider registering the Parish Council’s intention to take part in the Local Council Award Scheme by applying for the Foundation Award e) Clerk – to consider passing a resolution that the Parish Council recognises its duties in relation to bio-diversity and crime and disorder and nominating a Councillor to lead on matter relating to Crime & Disorder. To also be the lead liaison contact with the Community Support Officers at the monthly visits |
11. | Consideration of Correspondence Received :
To consider response to email regarding possible future spend of CIL monies. |
12. | Correspondence to Note:
(The Clerk will provide individual copies of correspondence for retention if required). a) WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated b) NALC Updates – Circulated |
13. | Regulatory Documents:
a) To consider the adoption of a Training & Development Policy b) To review Equality & Diversity Policy c) To review Illegal & Unauthorised Encampments Policy |
14. | Finance : General
a) To note the payments made listed in Appendix A for August b) Consideration and approval of the payments and transfers listed in Appendix B and to agree 2 Councillor signatories to sign the payments sheet. c) To note the bank account balances d) St Matthews Churchyard Extension – Council Maintenance Commitment Update & Payments |
15. | Date of Next Meeting:
To confirm the date of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at the Memorial Hall Salford Priors. |
16. | Closure of Meeting : |
Salford Priors Parish Council
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held
At the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 4th September 2024.
Present: Councillors: K James (Chairman), R Green, J McLean & J Meakins (left 20:00).
Donna Bowles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Also in attendance: 4 members of the public.
1. | Apologies considered for absence:
Cllrs Maude, Stanley & Price – all accepted |
2. | Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date
Members were reminded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person or act to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, a friend, or close associate.
Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item
Declaration of Interests: DPI – Agenda Item 8(e) Cllr James – brother is the co-owner LRS (Cllr James will leave the room should it be necessary) ORI – None declared, NRI – None declared
Members were also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter. |
3. | Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed.
– 4 members of public were present: – A question was raised as to when the remedial works on the footway will commence on School Rd/Evesham Rd Junction near Corner Cottage. Cllr James advised there is a meeting between WCC County Highways and the Infrastructure & Built Environment Working Group on 11th September where an update will be received. It is anticipated these works will commence in mid to late October. a) No under 18s were present. b) County Councillor Daren Pemberton’s Report – no apologies or report received c) District Councillor Stanley’s Report – provided a written report on matters relating to the District Council which was received via email and circulated to Members. The Chairman closed the open forum and reconvened the meeting at 19:05 |
4. | Acceptance of Minutes:
The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. |
5. | Planning Matters:
Applications To Consider: a) 24/01757/FUL Proposed new and replacement extensions at Tanglewood, Dunnington, Alcester, B49 5NT. Following consideration Clerk to respond with “The Parish Council has no objection subject to the materials being used should be in keeping with the existing building”. b) 24/02017/FUL Proposed conversion of part of garage to create family annex at 18 Priors Crescent, Salford Priors, Evesham, WR11 8AN. Cllr James read out comments received by a resident in Priors Crescent. Clerk to respond to the comments advising the neighbour of the Party Walls Act they would be advised to seek legal advice. Following consideration of the application Clerk to respond with “No objection subject to:
In the interests of preserving the overall high standard design of Priors Crescent and neighbouring properties the proposed conversion of the garage to a family annex should be conditioned as such.
The living accommodation if approved shall only be used as a self-contained unit of occupation, ancillary to the associated main household namely 18 Priors Crescent and shall not be severed as an independent and unconnected residence. The family annexe shall be used ancillary to the dwelling namely 18 Priors Crescent if approved and shall at no time be sold or let as a separate dwelling. That neither the annexe nor the main dwelling shall be disposed of whether wholly or in part by way of gift lease sale or other transaction separately from the other, nor shall any legal interest be granted, transferred or created so that any person becomes a tenant lessee or owner of the annexe without having a similar interesting the main building.” Planning Matters Considered : c) 24/01685/LDE Rear bedroom bungalow extension. Mistelle, Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UU. Following consideration via email the Parish Council had no comment to make. Decisions: d) 24/00860/FUL & 24/00861/LBC – Extension to chimney stack to increase height to 1830mm above the thatch in order to meet building regulation requirements and to ensure safe extraction from chimney flue at Victoria Cottage , Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Warwickshire WR11 8UU. Planning Permission & Listed Building Consent is Granted Subject to Conditions. e) 24/00703/FUL Construction of one self-build dwelling with all associated works at Station House, High Street, Broom, Warwickshire Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions. |
6. | Clerk’s Progress Report:
a) Angus Soft Fruits have cut back the overgrowth on the hedge on Evesham Rd. They currently cut this hedge twice a year; the last cut took place on 19th February. b) Ban Brook blockage – National Highways has confirmed the culvert under the A46 is free flowing. There are some willow trees that need removing from the areas National Highways are responsible for and Clerk is waiting to find out when this work can be delivered. c) Remedial works following the Electrical Installation Conditions Report have been completed and a new motion sensor light installed at TOPs. Next inspection due 2029 unless there are any significant alterations. d) The water damaged ceiling boards in TOPs have been replaced, and some other maintenance works have taken place to the flooring, along with some re-painting. e) The overgrown hedge at B4088 Irons Cross has been reported to Warwickshire County Council Highways as it is forcing cyclists and motorcyclists into the middle of the road. This will be attended to on Warwickshire County Council’s ‘flail cut programme’ which takes place from October onwards. f) Warwickshire County Council has confirmed the hedges between the Ban Brook Rd entrances have now been trimmed. g) Hedge on B4088 Between Limebridge and Mudwalls Turn reported by Cllr Maude has been cut back and footpath cleared. |
7. | Highways & Maintenance Officer:
Members noted all works have been completed from July’s meeting except the installation of the skateboard and pump track signage and the rotovating of 2 garden allotment plots. |
8. | Working Groups Update:
a) Infrastructure & Built Environment: Members noted the report: 1) Highways – meeting to take place between Warwickshire County Council Highways and Infrastructure & Built Environment Working Group on 11th September to receive update on the traffic calming works. – All schools in Warwickshire (on adopted roads) are included in the School Keep Clear project. The lining outside Salford Priors CofE Academy will be refreshed and be reduced from 4 markings to 3. – Station Road dropped kerbs – a Stage 3 road safety audit has been arranged which should pick up the concerns regarding the dropped kerb crossings. 2) Public Open Space – Members noted: – Councillor James and the Clerk met with Bill Mann, Senior/Civils Contracts Manager at CALA Homes, who confirmed that the wildflower areas will be scarified and re-seeded. An additional eighteen trees will be planted to fulfill landscaping conditions, dead trees will be replaced. Improvements to the grass sward across the entire area will be actioned, along with additional drainage remedial works. – New signage for the Permissive Right of Way will also be installed. CALA has offered to install a new gatepost to secure the area. The surface of the Permissive Right of Way has been mown by the Parish Council’s Amenity Contractors. – Warwickshire County Council has declined the offer to replace the manhole covers, leaving one manhole uncovered and secured by temporary barriers. – CALA Homes has considered the security of the Public Open Space and is confident that, in the unlikely event of any issue, it can be effectively managed. They do not intend to install additional barriers beyond those deemed acceptable during the planning stages. Bill Mann confirmed he would arrange for an extra bollard to be installed at a specific area of concern. – The security of the area had been compromised on the 1st June by a third party recovering from the POS a Hot Air flying from the Ballon Midlands Air Festival at Ragley Hall by cutting off the padlocks. – CALA Homes’ have refused the installation of a permanent ground socket for a beacon and for an electrical supply. – CALA believes that Warwickshire County Council Highways will adopt the road. Bill Mann disagrees with the claim that the traffic calming measures are too high, but if adjustments are necessary, he will arrange for them to be made. Additionally, some kerb setts are scheduled for replacement. – CALA accepted the responsibility to maintain a 0ne metre strip around the rear of the development their attention was drawn that currently the Management Company were not maintaining the land it was severely overgrown. – Members reviewed the request to support a Deed of Variation to the S106 agreement, allowing the Parish Council to take ownership of the land following the Completion Certificate process. Remedial works are expected to be completed by the end of the year, subject to weather conditions. The Completion Certificate is anticipated to be signed off by January, with the hope that Warwickshire County Council will agree to adopt the road. CALA will continue maintaining the area for the next 12 months but aims to transfer the land to the Parish Council in early 2025. Cllr James proposed that the Parish Council support the Deed of Variation to the S106 for Priors Crescent, pending final wording. The proposal was unanimously agreed. 3) NDP – No new updates at this time. The Government’s final housing proposals are awaited. Councillor James is scheduled to attend an NDP training course in September. 4) Playing Field – Members noted repair works have been carried out to a piece of equipment and a wasp nest removed. – It was resolved to accept the quote from PlayMaintain Repair to continue the quarterly inspections at £125.00 per quarter. An annual inspection of the equipment is being arranged by the Clerk. 5) Garden Allotments – Members noted there have been some changes within the allotments however they are all still occupied with one person on the waiting list. the Working Group will meet on Thursday 3rd October, 2pm to: o consider increasing the deposit for garden allotments. o consider changes to the garden allotment agreement. o New combination padlock has been installed. o It was reported the chain has been wrapped very tightly around the fence which is making it difficult to open, however, this is the responsibility of the people using the chain. 6) PROW To note report from Mr Green on the Public Rights of Way within the Parish – – The Lengthsman has cut back the bramble hedge along both sides of AL10 that runs behind the Bell Inn, strimmed the path surface between the hedges and around the kissing gates. – AL15 has been inspected and strimming works have taken place. – Complaints received about dog mess on Public Footpaths and adjoining agricultural land. Walkers should keep their dogs under close control whilst on the PROW network. An article will be placed in the next edition of the Parish Connect magazine. b) Communications – The working group was tasked with reviewing several websites for comparison with the Parish Council’s site. As a result, they have suggested some changes. However, it was noted that the current website may not fully reflect the Parish Council’s potential. Cllr James thanked the Communications Working Group for their report. c) Planning – this Committee has not been required to meet between Parish Council meetings d) Project Delivery Group – A draft legal agreement has been received from Birketts which has been circulated to the Group. There are some corrections to be made. Cllr James proposed once the changes have been made the draft agreement is accepted, Cllr R Green seconded. Unanimous agreement. e) Amenity – – Members noted the amenity contract expires Oct 2024. As the Public Open Space will be included in the contract with effect from March 2026 it was resolved to extend the current contract to 30th October 2025. |
9. | Community:
a) It was resolved to purchase 3 x Christmas trees – junction of Evesham Rd/School Rd, Dunnington and Abbot’s Salford. b) To note the new village sign has been received. Warwickshire County Council Highways has refused the proposed position on the junction of School Rd/Tothall Lane. It was resolved to keep the sign in secure storage until January 2025 to allow the Christmas tree to be installed on the junction of Evesham Rd/School Rd for one last year when future Christmas trees will then be placed on the Public Open Space. c) Warwickshire County Council, Streetlighting Department has confirmed they will provide a quote in order for a defibrillator to be installed at Rushford. |
10. | Matters Raised by Councillors:
a) Cllr. James – Bidford Bridge Closure (B4085) – Integrated Multi Agency Approach for a long term solution by Warwickshire County Council taking into account proposed increase in development both in the local area and the neighbouring county. Network Rail’s proposal to construct a 200 car park to serve Honeybourne Station. A solution is needed to address the increase in traffic while preserving the historic bridge. Cllr James to draft a letter. b) Cllr. James A46 (T) The need to consider future traffic movements and improving safety at the Salford Priors Island. Cllr James will draft a letter to Manuela Perteghella, MP to consult with the Labour MP for Leamington, Conservative MPs for Warwick, Evesham & Droitwich & Sedgeberrow regarding the A46 (T) and the regular serious accidents that occur between Salford Priors and Evesham. There should be cross party collaboration to lobby the Highways Agency to improve safety, traffic flow and ease congestion on one of the principle routes in the midlands region. c) Cllr. James proposed that a public consultation meeting to be held in November to discuss future council expenditure and the precept for 2025/2026. Date set for Wednesday 13th November at Salford Priors Memorial Hall, 7pm. d) Clerk – Members having previously received information on the Local Council Award Scheme (LCAS) it was unanimously resolved to register the Parish Council’s intention to take part in the Local Council Award Scheme by applying for the Foundation Award. Council confirmed that all polices and documents were available for submission to LCAS, and where applicable are published on the Council’s website. e) Clerk – a resolution was passed to confirm that the Parish Council recognises its duties in relation to biodiversity and crime and disorder. Cllr James was nominated as the Councillor to lead on the matter relating to Crime & Disorder and to also be the lead liaison contact with the Community Support Officers at their monthly visits, which he accepted. |
11. | Correspondence Considered:
To consider response to email from a resident regarding possible future spend of CIL monies. This to be discussed at the November open evening. |
12. | Correspondence Noted:
a) WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated b) NALC Updates – Circulated Thursday 8th May. Cllr James advised the theme for the VE Day Celebrations is fish and chips. It was resolved for the parish beacon to be lit at 9.30pm with a small fireworks display taking place at 10pm, and to hire a vintage fish and chip van for the evening. The Warm Hub will be staging VE Day Celebrations. |
13. | Regulatory Documents:
a) It was resolved to accept the proposed Training & Development Policy to be reviewed February 2027 b) Members reviewed and accepted the Equality & Diversity Policy – to be reviewed in 2 years unless there is a change in legislation. c) Members reviewed and accepted the Illegal & Unauthorised Encampments Policy – to be reviewed in 2 years unless a change in legislation. |
14. | Finance:
a) Members approved the payments made in August, b) The council gave consideration and approval of the payments listed in Appendix B. It was proposed to accept these by Cllr McClean seconded by Cllr Green and agreed by all Councillors. It was agreed that Cllrs Green & McClean would sign the payments sheet confirming the payments in Appendix A have been approved by full Council and there is provision within the budget, financial regulations and relevant policies have been followed. c) Members noted the bank account balances:
d) St Matthews Churchyard – a query has been raised regarding a recent pamphlet published by St Matthews Church and the amount contributed by the Parish Council. Cllr James advised the Council that the churchyard extension is maintained by the Parish Council and not St Matthews Church. In 1984 the then Salford Priors Parish Council signed a deed of lease of glebe land to provide an extension to St Matthews Churchyard. Within that deed the maintenance forever more of the extension is the Parish Council’s responsibility. The Parish Council installed the footpath from the church to the new extension. The Churchyard extension has therefore been maintained by the Parish Council, along with emptying of the soil bin since that date. Mowing costs for 2023 amounted to £1,512. This information to be placed in the Parish Connect magazine. e) Cllr James proposed that the services of DKE Audit Services are retained. Cllr R Green seconded. Unanimous approval. |
15. | Date of Next Meeting:
Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 16th October 2024 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors. To note the change to the Parish Council November meeting – this will take place on Tuesday 12th November at Dunnington so the November Open Precept Consultation Evening can take place on Wednesday 13th November. |
16. | Closure of Meeting: The Chairman closed the meeting at 20:50hrs |
Chairman: ______________________________________________Date:_________________
BACS | HMRC | Clerk & PC NIC | XXXX | 0.00 | XXXX |
BACS | Mrs D Bowles | Salary & Expenses | XXXX | XXXX | |
BACS | Jan McClean | Warm Hub Expenses | 39.82 | 0.00 | 39.82 |
BACS | WALC | Training Fees – D Bowles | 84.00 | 14.00 | 70.00 |
BACS | Limebridge Rural | Amenity Contract | 2832.00 | 472.00 | 2360.00 |
BACS | Mrs R Green | Warm Hub Expenses | 74.49 | 74.49 | |
BACS | Craig Checkley | Allotment Refund | 47.50 | 0.00 | 47.50 |
BACS | SP Memorial Hall | Solar Panels Deposit | 4000.00 | 0.00 | 4000.00 |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | Various | 180.00 | 180.00 | |
BACS | Water Plus Ltd | Allotment Water Supply | 9.62 | 1.60 | 8.02 |
DD | Pozitive Energy | Defib – Abbots Salford | 23.31 | 1.11 | 22.20 |
DD | Lloyds | Service Charge | 7.85 | 0.00 | 7.85 |
DD | NEST | Clerk Pension | XXXX | 0.00 | XXXX |
DD | O2 | Line Rental Charge | 25.63 | 4.27 | 21.36 |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 57.31 | 2.73 | 54.58 |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 18.53 | 0.88 | 17.65 |
BACS | PlayMaintainRepair | Playground Repairs | 360.00 | 60.00 | 300.00 |
BACS | Stratford District Council | Dog/Litter bin emptying | 855.00 | 142.50 | 712.50 |
BACS | Jan McClean | Warm Hub Expenses | 30.09 | 0.00 | 30.09 |
BACS | Glo Electrics | EICR Works TOPs | 564.00 | 94.00 | 470.00 |
BACS | Tone Improvements | TOPS Ceiling | 115.00 | 115.00 | |
BACS | Tone Improvements | Remedial Works | 475.00 | 475.00 | |
BACS | Kim James | Warm Hub & Stationery Expenses | 24.65 | 24.65 | |
BACS | Country Life Pest Control |
Wasp Nest | 96.00 | 16.00 | 80.00 |
DC | EventBrite | KJ Training NDP | 39.22 | 6.54 | 32.68 |
DD | EDF Energy | TOPs Energy | 108.00 | 108.00 | |
DD | Pozitive Energy | Defib – Abbots Salford | 24.66 | 1.17 | 23.49 |
DD | Lloyds | Service Charge | 7.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
DD | O2 | Line Rental Charge | 25.63 | 4.27 | 21.36 |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 58.78 | 2.80 | 55.98 |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 19.27 | 0.92 | 18.35 |