To all Members of the Council
You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.
Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council 13th June 2024
1. | To Receive & Consider Apologies: |
2. | Members are reminded of the need to: –
1) Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item 2) Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and 3) State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*
*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.
If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.
Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.
If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.
3. | Open Forum
Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:
a. Open Forum: At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration. Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting. There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items. During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.
b. Open forum for the under 18s. c. To receive the Ward Member’s reports (3 minutes maximum each Ward Councillor) – SDC – Cllr Lauren Stanley – WCC – Cllr Daren Pemberton
Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders
4. | Minutes:
a) To approve the Minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at The Memorial Hall, Salford Priors. b) To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors. |
5. | Planning Matters:
Planning Matters To Consider : a) 24/00860/FUL & 24/00861/LBC Proposed – Extension to chimney stack to increase height to 1830mm above the thatch in order to meet building regulation requirements and to ensure safe extraction from chimney flue at Victoria Cottage , Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Warwickshire WR118UU Planning Decisions: b) 24/01002/FUL Proposed two storey rear extension at 31 Broom Lane, Dunnington, Warwickshire, B49 5NU Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions. |
6. | Clerk’s Progress Report :
To note report in agenda pack. |
7. | Highways & Maintenance Officer:
a) To note jobs issued from last Council meeting; comment on progress b) To consider future tasks to be issued |
8. | Working Groups Update:
a) Infrastructure & Built Environment: 1) Highways – to note: – email received from Environment, Planning & Transport, Warwickshire County Council (forwarded 3.6.24) – invoice has been received for the traffic calming works on Station/Evesham Rd. – to receive update from meeting held on 10th June 2024. 2) Public Open Space Priors Crescent – – to note report from Landscaping Officer – to consider email from Stratford District Council, Enforcement. – to receive update of the electrical supply 3) NDP to receive update 4) Playing Field – to note Clerk has issued works orders for remedial works. 5) Garden Allotments – to receive a report on the general condition of plots 6) PROW To receive report from Mr Green on the Public Rights of Way within the Parish 7) To consider quotations for the reroofing of TOPs 8) To receive update on new village sign 9) To receive update on the 5 new coronation benches b) Communications c) Planning – this Committee has not been required to meet between Parish Council meetings d) Project Delivery Group – to note: – To approve that Daryl Bailey from Two Shires Greenway has taken the place of Joe Harvey. – To consider recommendations from Project Delivery Group regarding way forward with Greenway. e) To receive a report of the Finance Audit Group’s meeting of Thursday 30th May |
9. | Community :
a) To consider Electrical Installation Condition Report for TOPs b) To receive update regarding defibrillator at Rushford c) To receive update from Enforcement regarding wooden buildings on land at Dunnington Heath |
10. | Matters raised by Councillors:
Matters raised by Councillors are considered under this item. Councillors are also invited to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. (At the discretion of the Chairman Councillors may raise items at the meeting if considered necessary and urgent). a) Cllr. Kim James – To discuss a way forward for the 80th Anniversary VE Day Celebrations 07th May 2025 b) Cllr. Kim James – The permanent installation of socket for the Parish Beacon c) Cllr. Rosemary Green – Christmas Trees & Decorations |
11. | Consideration of Correspondence Received :
a) Quote for replacement VAS on Evesham Rd. b) Email regarding Safety of Lithium ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters c) Consider which Cllr will be the voting representative at the WALC AGM on 6th November. d) Letter from Mr. M Bright resident with various queries. e) Consider email regarding Hedgehog Highway Project |
12. | Correspondence to Note:
(The Clerk will provide individual copies of correspondence for retention if required). a) WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated b) NALC Updates – Circulated c) South Warwickshire Local Plan Presentation Slides d) Email regarding Memorial Hall and solar panels e) Thank you from Shakespeare Lions for the donation. f) Thank you from Salford Priors CofE Primary School for the LifeVac Anti-Choking Device. g) Email from resident in Cherry Tree Crescent regarding noise. |
13. | Regulatory Documents:
a) Review Scheme of Delegation b) To review and accept new financial regulations c) To consider the adoption of an Unreasonably persistent or vexatious contacts / complaints policy d) To consider the Biodiversity Report |
14. | Finance : General
a) Consideration and approval of the payments and transfers listed in Appendix A and to agree 2 Councillor signatories to sign the payments sheet. b) To note the Annual Governance and Accountability Return has been submitted. c) To note the letter from Lloyds Bank regarding the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. d) To note the bank account balances |
15. | Date of Next Meeting:
To confirm the date of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at the Memorial Hall Salford Priors. |
16. | Closure of Meeting : |
Salford Priors Parish Council
Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held
At the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington on Wednesday 19th June 2024.
Present: Councillors: K James (Chairman), R Green, L Maude, J McLean & D Price Cllr Stanley (20:30)
Donna Bowles, Clerk to the Parish Council
Also in attendance: 7 members of the public.
1. | Apologies considered for absence:
Cllr Stanley – accepted, arrived 20:30 Cllr Meakins – non-attendance |
2. | Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date
Members were reminded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly confer an advantage or disadvantage on any person or act to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, a friend, or close associate.
Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item
Declaration of Interests: DPI – None declared, ORI – None declared, NRI – None declared
Members were also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter. |
3. | Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed.
a) 7 members of public were present: – The purchase order for the new memorial bin is with the blacksmith, lead time will be Sep/Oct although it is anticipated this will be in place for Remembrance Sunday. – Electric scooters are being used on the playing field track. Cllr James advised the byelaws will be reviewed in due course. – Overgrown hedges on School Rd between the two Ban Brook Rd entrances were reported. Clerk has reported this to County Highways. – Concern has been expressed regarding the spray being used on the fields in Dunnington. Cllr James advised that the products used (glyphosate) is a herbicide and used to suppress evasive weeds they are fully tested and approved by HSE & EFSA all the relevant info can be found on the HSE pesticide register. b) No under 18s were present. c) County Councillor Daren Pemberton’s Report – no written update report or apologies received d) District Councillor Stanley’s Report – this was received via email. The Chairman closed the open forum and reconvened the meeting at 19:10 |
4. | Acceptance of Minutes:
The Minutes of the Annual and Ordinary Parish Council Meetings held on Wednesday 15th May 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. |
5. | Planning Matters:
Applications Considered: a) 24/00860/FUL & 24/00861/LBC Proposed – Extension to chimney stack to increase height to 1830mm above the thatch in order to meet building regulation requirements and to ensure safe extraction from chimney flue at Victoria Cottage, Evesham Road, Salford Priors, Warwickshire WR118UU. Following consideration Clerk to respond “No objection”. b) 24/01445/TREE Proposed – T1 to T8 – sycamores – Crown lift to 4metres above ground to clear boundary fence, T9 – willow – Fell at The Old Forge, Station Road, Salford Priors, Evesham WR11 8UX. Following consideration Clerk to respond “No objection”. Planning Decisions: c) 24/01002/FUL Proposed two storey rear extension at 31 Broom Lane, Dunnington, Warwickshire, B49 5NU Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions. |
6. | Clerk’s Progress Report:
a) The electrical smart meter at TOPs was installed on Friday 14th June the Clerk was in attendance, meter reading taken. b) Tothall Lane flooding issues – Clerk has received a response from County Highways requesting more photos of the issue when it occurs. c) The Highways sign on Evesham Rd has now been removed as it has broken away from its base. The County Council has advised that a new sign has been ordered and it is anticipated this will be installed within 6-12 months. d) The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial box hedging has died at the churchyard extension. Quotes have been requested to remove and plant with alternative hedging. A quote has also been requested to sand and revarnish the memorioal bench. e) The redundant light on the former School Rd build out falls under the remit of CALA to remove. Clerk has requested a date when these works are expected to be completed. f) Highways Team, Warwickshire County Council has confirmed the dropped kerb on School Rd has been installed incorrectly by contractors acting on behalf of CALA Homes. This is being investigated and will be corrected. g) There are overgrown hedges on School Rd between the two entrances of Banbrook Rd. This has been reported to County Highways. |
7. | Highways & Maintenance Officer:
Steve Baker has carried out the following works: – Monthly cut of area around garages at Perkins Close – Cut back vegetation around the dog bag dispenser and dog waste bins on School Rd – Strimmed grass by the Parish Council noticeboard at Dunnington – Strimmed the path at the back of the allotments Future scheduled work programme: – Clear brambles from hedges on School Rd between Banbrook Rd entrances – Strim around the 2 grit bins at Dunnington – Clear overgrowth around concrete planter on School Rd – Spray bollards at St Matthews Close – Weed spray block setts by Dunnington School – Clear the path at the back of Perkins Close – Clear weeds and brambles at bus stop at Irons Cross – Clean noticeboards and benches |
8. | Working Groups Update:
a) Infrastructure & Built Environment: Members noted the report: 1) Highways – Members noted: – The email received from Environment, Planning & Transport, Warwickshire County Council (forwarded 3.6.24) confirming that all speed cushions have been constructed to the correct height. New signage has now been installed. – The invoice has been received for the Parish Council proposed traffic calming works on Station/Evesham Rd in the sum of £49,339. CIL Budget Funding. – The Working Group met with Highways Officers on 10th June 2024. The Road Closure Notice order has been applied for and the start date is anticipated to be early August with the hope that all works will be completed by the end of September. It was felt to be a constructive meeting. 2) Public Open Space, Priors Crescent – – Members noted the report from Landscaping Officer – Stratford District Council, Enforcement have proposed that the recommendations from the Landscaping Officer to develop the wet area as an ecological habitat sward to enhance the area or form a pond was refused by the Parish Council. They do not accept the issue surrounding the ‘wet areas’, the substrata of this land was compromised by the developer. CALA has been requested to make intrusive works to the areas such as shockwave or deep tine aeration before converting the area to grade 3 river meadow pasture. Response from Enforcement is awaited. – Members considered improvements to the permissive right of way that runs from the new bus stop on School Rd, along the hedgeline and joins AL4. It is currently overgrown and open to abuse by offroad bikes. Cllr James & Cllr Green walked this area , the Chairman proposed the following: i. To install a new metal gate post and catch to the existing 7 bar metal field gate and combination padlock. ii. To establish a 1 metre pedestrian access at the side of the gate. iii. From the new pedestrian side access, install a wooden post & rail fence to the substation to match the existing CALA fence. iv. To mow the permissive right of way and trim back boundary hedge. v. Access for the tractor/mower will be viva the newly installed field access gate off the housing cul-de-sac. The Parish Council would mow from the double gates a twelve-metre width to the permissive right of way to ensure residents know that this is the legitimate field entrance. vi. Cllr Price seconded with unanimous agreement. Landowner to be contacted seeking permission. vii. POS Electrical Supply Clerk has received a quote from Glo Electrics for £875 to connect the electrical supply, once installed, by National Grid. Three quotes have been received for the electrical cabinets between £765 and £2054. The middle quote at £895 is the best option. Clerk is awaiting permission from CALA to proceed with these works.
3) NDP – Cllr James advised that the proposed South Warwickshire Development Local Plan is expected to be available for consultation in September ; the group to consider housing proposals at their next meeting once received. 4) Playing Field – to note Clerk has issued works orders for remedial works, part of these works are due to be carried out on 28th June. 5) Garden Allotments – Members noted all but two of the plots are in good order. The invoice for plot number 18 has not been paid and no response received despite several emails. Clerk has now offered this plot to the next person on the waiting list. The other plot holder has confirmed they still want the plot. This was taken over at the end of last year and was not in a good working order at the time. The plotholder has requested this is made good which the Parish Council approved. Both plots to be cleared, strimmed and rotovated by the Lengthsman. 6) PROW – – Mr Green, Public Rights of Way Officer has advised that the PROW marker on AL16 has been installed, and the kissing gates and the path on AL10 have been strimmed. – Members confirmed the PROW e-mail address for residents to email any issues regarding the PROW. This will be monitored by the PROW Officer and the Clerk. – Clerk advised the current spend this year on PROW Maintenance is £140 which has been covered by Section 106 monies. – The damaged stile at AL186 has been removed and an access through the hedge has been created. – Strimming works on AL16 & AL4 to be carried out 7) All best efforts have been made to obtain three quotes for the reroofing of TOPs with only two quotes being received. Quote A came in at £19,500, quote B came in at £18,500. Cllr Price proposed that Quote B is accepted as a more detailed quote was provided; Cllr McClean seconded. Unanimous approval. The job is awarded to Aqua Roofing. The building will be closed for public access during the duration of the works. 8) New village sign- the casting has been received back from the foundry, but the artist has had two cataract operations which has delayed the painting. 9) Five benches have been ordered to commemorate the coronation. Three will be placed on the POS, Priors Crescent, 1 on the verge outside the church on Evesham/Station Rd and the other on the verge outside of the Dunnington Baptist Church Hall. These have been quoted £180 per bench. b) Communications – Cllr James to ask if an ex-Councillor is happy to deliver the Parish Connect which will be remunerated. – For the communications working group to review the Council’s website make comparisons and to report back with recommendations for the September meeting. c) Planning – this Committee has not been required to meet between Parish Council meetings – Members considered the adoption of the POS on Walnut Grange, Bomford Way – it was confirmed the Parish Council had not been offered the Public Open Space. Cllr James proposed the S106 agreement is pursued and inform Stratford District Council that the Parish Council wish to adopt the Public Open Space at Walnut Grange, Bomford Way. Seconded by Cllr R Green and unanimously approved. – An email has been received from a resident of Walnut Grange regarding enforcement issues. Clerk to pursue these through the Enforcement Department. – Warwickshire County Council has confirmed they are awaiting the Stage 3 safety audit. The developers are keen for the roads to be adopted and it is hoped that this should be resolved during 2024. d) Project Delivery Group – – It was resolved to approve that Daryl Bailey from Two Shires Greenway take the place of Joe Harvey. – The Parish Council’s consultant from Birketts requested clarification on the Parish Council’s preferred course of action for the Greenway concerning Section 25 or Section 30 of the Highways Act 1980. Their advice is to proceed under Section 25; however this would cause significant delays in the delivery of the project PROW Officers of Warwickshire County Council had indicated they would require a bond of between £150,000 and £200,000 for future maintenance and liability costs. If the Parish Council chooses the Section 30 route it would assume responsibility for future maintenance and repairs and the associated public liability risks. After discussion, Cllr Green proposed proceeding with Section 30, seconded by Cllr McClean. One Councillor voted against the proposal and there were two abstentions. The proposal was carried. Clerk to advise that the Parish Council will pursue the route under Section 30 of the Highways Act at this time. e) The Finance Audit Panel looked at the Reserves of the Parish Council and allocated reserve funding for the Annual Governance & Accountability Return. The new financial regulations were also considered. |
9. | Community:
a) Members noted the Electrical Installation Condition Report for TOPs. Clerk is awaiting quotes for the recommended works relating to this. Clerk to place the order under delegated powers provided the quote comes in under the revised delegated amount of £1,000. b) Clerk has received a budget estimate from National Grid for electrical installation at Rushford in the sum of £3,608. This also requires an electrical cabinet, cost £895 (plus installation) and connection charges at approx £875. Cllr James proposed the quotations are accepted, Cllr Price seconded, unanimous approval. Funding will be taken from the CIL funding budget. c) The Enforcement Officer has contacted the owners of the chalets on land at Dunnington Heath and is awaiting a response. If the officer has heard nothing on her return from holiday, she will look to issuing a Planning Contravention Notice which is a formal notice where the land owner will have to legally answer a set of questions. |
10. | Matters Raised by Councillors:
a) Cllr. Kim James – To discuss a way forward for the 80th Anniversary VE Day Celebrations 07th May 2025, eg civic service and lighting of beacon. The Parish Council do not intend to hold a party/fete. b) Cllr. Kim James – The permanent installation of a ground socket for the Parish Beacon and consider where it can be installed. c) Cllr. Rosemary Green – Christmas Trees & Decorations These will all be placed on the July agenda. |
11. | Correspondence Considered:
a) The cost to remove the faulty VAS and install a new VAS on Evesham Rd will be £3,295.16. This order can only be placed through Warwickshire County Council. Cllr James proposed this quote is accepted, Cllr Price seconded, unanimous approval. Warwickshire County Council have advised that all future replacements and maintenance of VAS signs will be the responsibility of the Parish Council as there is no highways justification for the signs to be in situ. b) The email regarding Safety of Lithium ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters was noted. c) It was resolved that Cllr James will be the voting representative at the WALC AGM on 6thNovember. d) A further letter has been received from Mr Bright following the Parish Council’s response to the first letter. A full and final response has been prepared, read out, approved by Members and will be forwarded by letter. e) The email regarding Hedgehog Highway Project was noted. f) The Memorial Hall has submitted a grant application for £10,000 towards the installation of solar panels. Cllr Stanley initially proposed a grant of £7,500, which was seconded by Cllr Price. However, Cllr Maude proposed granting the full £10,000 since the funds would come from the CIL fund, not the Parish Council’s budget. Following this, Cllr Stanley & Cllr Price withdrew their initial proposal and second. Cllr Stanley then seconded the new proposal to grant the full £10,000. The proposal was carried with one vote against and one abstention. |
12. | Correspondence Noted:
a) WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated. Cllr James encouraged all Councillors to download the new Councillor guide. b) NALC Updates – Circulated c) South Warwickshire Local Plan Presentation Slides d) Thank you from Shakespeare Lions for the donation towards the cost of the defibrillator training. e) Thank you from Salford Priors CofE Primary School for the LifeVac Anti-Choking Device. f) Email from a resident in Cherry Tree Crescent regarding noise, strimming of the roadside verges by School Road residents at weekends, affecting the Crescent residents’ enjoyment of their gardens. |
13. | Regulatory Documents:
a) Review Scheme of Delegation – accepted b) Cllrs James, Price & the Clerk had reviewed the new financial regulations. Cllr James proposed these were accepted, Cllr McClean seconded and unanimously approved. c) Members considered and approved the adoption of an Unreasonably Persistent or Vexatious Contacts/Complaints policy d) Cllr Maude provided the Biodiversity Template which Members noted. This will be looked at in more detail under the Neighbourhood Development Plan Focus Group. |
14. | Finance:
a) The council gave consideration and approval of the payments listed in Appendix A. It was proposed to accept these by Cllr Price seconded by Cllr McClean and agreed by all Councillors. It was agreed that Cllrs Green & Maude would sign the payments sheet confirming the payments in Appendix A have been approved by full Council and there is provision within the budget, financial regulations and relevant policies have been followed. b) Members noted the Annual Governance & Accountability Return has been submitted. c) To defer the letter from Lloyds until the July meeting. Members d) Members noted the bank account balances:
15. | Date of Next Meeting:
Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors. |
16. | Closure of Meeting: The Chairman closed the meeting at 21:15 hrs |
Chairman: ______________________________________________Date:_________________
BACS | HMRC | Clerk & PC NIC | 162.83 | 0.00 | 162.83 |
BACS | Mrs D Bowles | Salary & Expenses | 1238.83 | 1238.83 | |
BACS | WCC | Traffic Calming Works | 49339.00 | 49339.00 | |
BACS | PlayMaintainRepair | 1/4ly play field insp | 150.00 | 25.00 | 125.00 |
BACS | Water Plus | Allotment Supply | 18.94 | 3.15 | 15.79 |
BACS | Limebridge Rural | Amenity & Planter Contract | 5493.60 | 915.60 | 4578.00 |
BACS | Mrs R Green | Warm Hub Expenses | 40.49 | 40.49 | |
BACS | Mrs J McClean | Warm Hub Expenses | 41.21 | 41.21 | |
BACS | Mrs J McClean | Warm Hub Expenses | 22.25 | 22.25 | |
BACS | SDC | Bin Emptying | 171.00 | 28.50 | 142.50 |
BACS | SLCC | Annual Membership | 119.00 | 119.00 | |
BACS | Glo Electrics | EICR TOPs | 168.00 | 28.00 | 140.00 |
BACS | House of Flags | Flag for Flagpole | 99.60 | 16.60 | 83.00 |
BACS | Geoxphere Ltd | Parish Online | 132.00 | 22.00 | 110.00 |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | PROW Works | 64.00 | 64.00 | |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | Perkins Close Cutting | 56.00 | 56.00 | |
BACS | Steve Baker Services | Various | 64.00 | 64.00 | |
DC | Microsoft | LS Renewal | 59.99 | 10.00 | 49.99 |
DC | Microsoft | JM Renewal | 59.99 | 10.00 | 49.99 |
DC | Microsoft | RG Renewal | 59.99 | 10.00 | 49.99 |
DC | Microsoft | KJ Renewal | 59.99 | 10.00 | 49.99 |
DC | LifeVac Europe Ltd | Choke Kit – Various | 417.36 | 69.56 | 347.80 |
DC | LifeVac Europe Ltd | Choke Kit – Salford P | 111.54 | 18.59 | 92.95 |
DC | LifeVac Europe Ltd | Choke Kit – Dunnington | 111.54 | 18.59 | 92.95 |
DD | ICO | Data Protection Fee | 35.00 | 35.00 | |
DD | Pozitive Energy | Abbot’s Salford Energy | 24.52 | 1.17 | 23.35 |
DD | Lloyds | Service Charge | 7.00 | 0.00 | 7.00 |
DD | NEST | Clerk Pension | 193.19 | 0.00 | 193.19 |
DD | O2 | Line Rental Charge | 25.63 | 4.27 | 21.36 |
DD | EDF Energy | TOPs | 108.00 | 108.00 | |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 68.10 | 3.24 | 64.86 |
DD | Yu Energy | Streetlight Energy | 18.85 | 0.90 | 17.95 |
Total | 58741.44 | 1195.17 | 57546.27 |
- 4a. ACM Minutes 15.5
- 4b. May Mins 15.5
- 6. Clerk Progress Report
- 8a(1) School Rd
- 8a(2) Open Space. 2-5-24 annotated plans
- 8a(2) Open Space. GL1016 - Landscape Management Rev B
- 8a(2)Enforcement CALA Open Space 22:0227:106ENF
- 8a(2)RE: CALA Open Space 22:0227:106ENF
- 8a(2) Open Space. ProposedSiteLayout
- 8a6b PROW Spend
- 8c. 23:00116:106ENF Alamo site - Station Road - Vistry Homes - Walnut Grange Sal…
- 8c. Bomford Way MANAGEMENT PLAN
- 9a. EICR TOPs Building 31-05-24
- 9b. Defib ccob
- 9b. Defib 5128998.overlay-Default-000
- 9b. Defib Budget_Estimate_5128998_1915907_1
- 9c. Enforcement
- 11a. V261 Evesham Road Salford Priors Alloy Plan
- 11a. IMG_0788
- 11a. Quotation for New VAS Evesham Road, Abbotts Salford WR11 8UU - V261
- 11c. the-safety-bill-updated ESF
- 11c. Safety of Lithium ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooterrs
- 11c. Fires May 2024
- 11d. Bright
- 11e. Hedgehog Highway 1
- 11e. Hedgehog Highway
- 12g. Cherry Tree Crescent
- 13a. Scheme of Delegation May 24
- 13b. Financial Regulations 2024
- 13c. Unreasonably persistent or vexatious suggested policy
- 13d. Biodiversity Report
- 14a. Appendix A Jun
- 14c. Bank Account Totals