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Council Meeting 20th March 2024


To all Members of the Council


You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.




Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council                                                                                                                    13th March 2024




1.            To Receive & Consider Apologies:
2.            Members are reminded of the need to: –

1)          Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item

2)          Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and

3)          State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*


*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.


If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.


Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.


If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.


3.            Open Forum


Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:


a. Open Forum:

At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration.  Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting.  There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items.  During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.


b. Open forum for the under 18s.

c. To receive the Ward Member’s reports (3 minutes maximum each Ward Councillor)

–        SDC – Cllr Lauren Stanley

–        WCC – Cllr. Daren Pemberton


Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders

4.            Minutes:

To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 7th February 2024 at the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington.

5.            Planning Matters:

Planning Matters To Consider :

None to date.


6.            Clerk’s Progress Report :

To note report in agenda pack.

7.            Highways & Maintenance Officer:

a)          To note jobs issued from last Council meeting; comment on progress

b)          To consider future tasks to be issued

8.            Working Groups Update: 

a)          Infrastructure & Built Environment:

1)          Highways – To note:

o   Highways has confirmed their original quotes for traffic calming works on Station/Evesham Rd. Installation date awaited.

o   Clerk has expressed the Parish Council’s disappointment for the traffic calming works on School Rd and is awaiting a response.

o   The bus stop has now been ordered and installation is expected within the next 2 weeks.

o   Update on meeting with Highways England A46 T

2)          Public Open Space – The 7 flowering cherry trees, and the 10 rowan trees have now been installed.  To note that an act of vandalism has taken place to some of the trees.

3)          NDP – date set for workshop – Thursday 11th April Chairman to provide update on structure of workshop.

4)          Playing Field – to note and consider :

o   Tree survey report.

o   Playing field equipment report and recommendations

5)          Allotments – A date has been set for an inspection in April. Allotment holders to be notified.

6)          PROW – To receive written report from Mr A Green Public Rights of Way  Officer

b)         Communications – to note Parish Connect is in the process of being printed and consider its distribution. To agree distribution process  on receipt of newsletter from the printers.

c)          Planning – Members to note the draft planning minutes dated 27th February 2024

d)          Project Delivery Group – to receive any further updates on progress.

9.            Community :

a)          To consider way forward with defibrillator at Rushford.

b)          To note a defibrillator training session has been set for Thursday 18th April 7pm at The Vineyard Pub, Abbot’s Salford.

c)          To note grant payment has been made to St Matthews Church and acknowledgement received.

d)          To note Parish Meeting with WCC & WFRS = Consultation on Changes to the resilience of the Fire Service. That was held on Wednesday 1st February 2024

e)          Rushford Watercourse Overgrown Vegetation & Flooding Issues.

f)            To note the success of the Daffodill Bulb Planting Scheme throughout of the Parish.

10.      Matters raised by Councillors:

Matters raised by Councillors are considered under this item. Councillors are also invited to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. (At the discretion of the Chairman Councillors may raise items at the meeting if considered necessary and urgent).

Cllr Price – email to the Chairman received 6th March with regard to the Leisure Trail Route & future revenue costs.

Cllr James – Parking on Grass Verge Bus Stop Evesham Road – Consideration of installing a Coronation Bench or additional planter to mitigate future verge damage.

11.      Amenity:

To ratify decision of increase in the amenity contract by 5% for 2024/25. This is an extension of the original contract of 12 months.

12.      Consideration of Correspondence Received :

To consider response to emails regarding:

a)          Additional lighting at Perkins Close

b)          Bomford Way Public Open Space

13.      Correspondence to Note:

(The Clerk will provide individual copies of correspondence for retention if required).


14.      Policy Reviews:

a)          Grievance

b)          Data Protection & Information Security

c)     Disciplinary

15.      Staffing: Resolution to exclude members of the public to progress a confidential staffing matter.

To receive report & consider recommendations from the Chairman following Clerk’s staff appraisal on 8th February 2024.

16.      Finance : General

a)          To note the payments made listed in Appendix A for February

b)         To agree and approve the payments and transfers listed in Appendix B –  and to agree 2 Councillor signatories to sign the payments sheet.

c)          To note the bank account balances as at 29th February 2024.

17.      Date of Next Meeting:

To confirm the date of the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 9th April, 7pm at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors

To confirm the date of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 17th April 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors.

18.      Closure of Meeting :




Salford Priors Parish Council


Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held

At the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 20th March 2024.


Present:  Councillors: K James (Chairman), R Green, L Maude (19:05) & J McLean

Donna Bowles, Clerk to the Parish Council


Also in attendance: 4 members of the public.


1.            Apologies considered for absence:

Cllrs Price, Meakins & Stanley – all accepted

2.            Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date

Members were reminded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly confer

an advantage or disadvantage on any person or act to gain financial or other material benefits for

themselves, their family, a friend, or close associate.


Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item


Declaration of Interests: DPI – Cllr James – Agenda Item 11 – brother is an owner/director of the company and would leave the meeting if the matter was discussed. ORI – None declared, NRI – None declared


Members were also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.

3.            Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed.

a)          4 members of public were present:

–              Requested what action is being taken at the site of the old bus shelter on School Rd; cars are parking in this area which is causing visibility issues for vehicles leaving Priors Crescent. Cllr James advised that this will be investigated once the traffic calming works on School Rd have been signed off.

–              Queries regarding the traffic cushions on School Rd. Cllr James advised the Parish Council is very disappointed with these works and the scheme in general.

–              Question was raised regarding the market price of the self-build plots at land west of Evesham Rd and whether it will be a phased development. Once the marketing strategy for the site is approved the plots will be advertised.

b)         No under 18s were present.

c)          County Councillor Daren Pemberton’s Report – no apologies or report received.

d)         District Councillor Stanley’s Report – although Cllr Stanley was not in attendance, she provided the following report:

–              She thanked the Parish Council for hosting the Fire Risk & Review meeting. She found it very informative.

–              UKSPF (Year 3) and REPF (Year 2) Funds Launch 11 March 2024 open until Tuesday 9 April 2024 at midnight. Grants for your business or organisation decision on the successful bids will be made by Tuesday 4 June. All projects and their agreed outputs/outcomes will need to be fully completed by 31 March 2025 at the very latest – if applicants cannot meet this deadline, do not apply for this round of funding as there will be NO EXCEPTIONS. Both UKSPF and REPF grants are available to any business (both incorporated and sole traders/partnerships) or other legally created bodies (such as parish councils, local authorities, charities and the VCSE sector) REPF grants are for farm business diversification, not food production. The maximum grant bid is £50,000 and minimum is £2,000 and is for Capital or Revenue monies, depending on the relevant intervention. Full details of both funding programmes are available nowon the SDC website:

–              Monday 26th February saw the Council set the budget for the district. As an opposition the Conservative group can propose amendments to the budget, the Conservative group proposed amendments for items such as money towards domestic abuse victims and those facing homelessness. The group asked for the green bin charge to be cancelled. The group asked for money to be allocated to increase improvement of flood defenses across the District. The proposals were not supported and were lost on being put to the meeting.

–              Council tax will rise to £164.12 for a band D property for 2024/25.

The Chairman closed the open forum and reconvened the meeting at 19:10


4.            Acceptance of Minutes:

The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 7th February 2024 at the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

5.            Planning Matters:

Applications Considered:

a)          24/00439/REM Proposed – Reserved matters (landscaping and layout in relation to site infrastructure) pursuant to outline application 22/02022/OUT for 16no. self-build and custom housebuilding plots at Land West Of Evesham Road, Salford Priors, WR11 8UR. After consideration Clerk to respond with “No objection”.

b)          24/00533/FUL Proposed – Extension to the side and rear of the bungalow at 10 St Matthews Close, Salford Priors, Warwickshire, WR11 8UY. After consideration Clerk to respond with “No objection, however the Parish Council would like to see the external walls and roof of extension be constructed with facing bricks and materials of the same type texture and colour of existing external walls.”


c)          24/00278/FUL Proposed Single storey rear link extension to existing barn at Wayside The Common, Dunnington, Alcester, B49 5NZ. Planning Permission Granted Subject to Conditions.

6.            Clerk’s Progress Report:

a)          The majority of the traffic calming scheme on School Rd appear to have now been completed, with sign off still to be carried out by the Highways Authority. Outstanding works revolve around road signage.  The replacement bus shelter has also been installed.

b)          CALA Public Open Space – This area has been reviewed by CALA who acknowledge the area is very wet, partly due to unprecedented rain over the whole winter. The area which has been used for site access for the traffic calming will be made good once all works are completed.  The Technical team will be looking at the pooling in the centre of the site to further assess what options there are to address the collection of water. Councillors are not impressed with the state of the POS; prior to development the land was Grade 2 high quality farm land and had never experienced flooding issues.

c)          The damaged iron railings outside Dunnington School have been replaced. Resolved.

7.            Highways & Maintenance Officer:

The Lengthsman has carried out some PROW works.

New jobs issued:

–        Clear the base of the church wall

–        Clear the refuge by the old gravel road off the B4088, Dunnington

–        Clear the branches at TOPs to the fence perimeter

–        Cut back brambles at the bus shelter by Hedges Close

The Chairman reminded members that between council meetings to inform the Clerk of any works that should be considered, the clerk would then assess the works before issuing to the lengthsman or refer back to Council at the next meeting.

8.            Working Groups Update:

a)          Infrastructure & Built Environment:

–              Highways –

o   County Highways has confirmed their original quotes for traffic calming works on Station/Evesham Rd. Installation date awaited.

o   Clerk has expressed the Parish Council’s disappointment for the traffic calming works on School Rd and is awaiting a response.

–              Cllr James & Clerk met with National Highways regarding the A46 T and approach into the village. A request was made for a local company to sponsor and maintain the traffic island. This was refused as it is not National Highways Policy.  She will investigate what improvement works can be carried out. Cllr James advised that the Parish Council may be able to offer some funds to aid improvements. Complaints were also made regarding the rubbish on the A46 which the Clerk has reported to both Warwickshire County Council & Worcestershire County Council.

–              Public Open Space – Members noted:

o   the 7 flowering cherry trees, and the 10 rowan trees have now been installed. Nine of the trees have been vandalised although it is felt the trees are young enough to survive.

o   Clerk has also sent updated photos of the open space to CALA showing levels of “pooling”

–              NDP – date set for workshop – Thursday 11th April. This will be to discuss the review of the Neighbourhood Development Plan and will be very informal. It is hoped from this workshop that further meetings will take place over the next 12 months to discuss various points of the NDP.

–              Playing Field –

o   Tree survey report has been received. There are no major issues with the trees in the Parish Council’s ownership. Salford Priors School has been advised of two trees that overhang the playing field and require a canopy lift. These works are to be carried out within three years.

o   The quarterly playing field equipment report has been received. There were no high or medium risk items. Cllrs Green, James, McClean and the Clerk walked the playing field with the report and quotes have been requested for remedial works to be carried out. The field remains in good condition and the drainage is good.

–              Garden Allotments – an impromptu inspection was carried out on 18th March ahead of the invoices being sent. There are concerns that some of these plots have not been worked for some time. Clerk has written to the plot holders requesting their plans for moving the plot forward.

–              PROW – Members noted the report received from Mr Alan Green. He is requesting volunteers that regularly walk the PROW to advise him of any issues they may notice.

b)         Communications: Members noted that the  Parish Connect newsletter has now been printed; delivery will be shared between the four members present.

c)          Planning – Members noted the draft planning minutes dated 27th February 2024

d)         Project Delivery Group – Clerk has made verbal contact with the landowner at the beginning of the route and is awaiting a response.

9.            Community:

a)          It was resolved to purchase a defibrillator which will be installed by the noticeboard at Rushford. This will be placed on a hoop bar and does not require electricity. Clerk to seek approval of Warwickshire County Council Highways before placing the Purchase Order.

b)          Members noted the defibrillator training session has been set for Thursday 18th April 7pm at The Vineyard Pub, Abbot’s Salford.

c)          Members noted the grant payment towards the replacement roof repairs has been made to St Matthews Church PCC acknowledgement had been received.

d)          Members noted the Parish Meeting with WCC & WFRS = Consultation on Changes to the resilience of the Fire Service that was held on Wednesday 21st February 2024. This was a very useful meeting with informed questions by members of the public.

e)          Rushford Watercourse Overgrown Vegetation & Flooding Issues – this has now been cleared by the landowner. Resolved

f)            Members noted the success of the Daffodil Bulb Planting Scheme throughout the Parish. Over 6000 bulbs were planted.

10.       Matters Raised by Councillors:

–        Cllr Price – email to the Chairman received 6th March regarding the Leisure Trail Route & future revenue costs. Cllr James read the email to the meeting and his response to Cllr Price. Cllrs provided their views, who are very keen to continue with this project.

–        Cllr James – Parking on grass verge by bus stop, Evesham Road has caused damage to the grass verge and the newly planted daffodils. Cllr James proposed that a strategically placed Coronation bench be placed to mitigate future verge damage. It was resolved for Clerk to issue a purchase order and arrange for installation once Warwickshire County Council Highways has provided approval.

11.       Amenity:

Members ratified the decision, made via email, of the increase in the amenity contract by 5% for 2024/25. This is an extension of the original contract of 12 months. There was no further discussion.

12.       Correspondence Considered:

To consider response to emails regarding:

a)          Members considered the request for additional lighting at Perkins Close. Whilst the Parish Council appreciates the concerns of the resident the costs to install this would be significant. This would mean raising the precept considerably in turn burdening all residents of the Parish. This was therefore declined.

b)          Bomford Way Public Open Space – the Parish Council is in talks with the landowner/developer and is looking to come to a suitable agreement with a commuted lump sum for the Parish Council to adopt the open space.

13.       Correspondence Noted:


14.       Policy Reviews:

a)          Grievance

b)          Data Protection & Information Security

c)          Disciplinary

It was resolved that all policies were approved and next review to take place March 2026.


15.       Finance:

a)          Members noted the payments made listed in Appendix A for February

b)          The council gave consideration and approval of the payments listed in Appendix A.  It was proposed to accept these by Cllr McClean seconded by Cllr Green and agreed by all Councillors. It was agreed that Cllrs Green & Maude would sign the payments sheet confirming the payments in Appendix A have been approved by full Council and there is provision within the budget, financial regulations and relevant policies have been followed.

c)          Members noted the bank account balances:

Lloyds Deposit Account 53,054.99
Lloyds Current Account   5,548.87.
Lloyds CIL Account 340,978.12
Lloyds Warm Hub Acc 1,269.42
Total Fund Balance 395,302.53
16.       Staffing:

It was resolved to exclude the press and public from the meeting under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 on the grounds that it is not in the public interest to disclose discussion on the items below relating to contracts and staffing.

Two members of the public were present and left the meeting.

Clerk left the meeting while discussions took place.

The Council is completely satisfied with the work of the Clerk over the last 12 months the clerks diligence and work ethic was exemplary, the workload had increased significantly during the yeart especially around the leisure trails route and the public open space. The clerk collaborates with other authorities and public bodies,  is held in high regard and respected, the clerks working ethos is exceptional. It was proposed by Cllr James that the Clerk’s salary be increased by two spinal column points from Point 17 to Point 19 on the NJC salary pay scales with effect from 1st April 2024 in recognition of her hard work and dedication to the role. This was seconded by Cllr Maude. Unanimous approval.

The Clerk returned to the meeting.

17.       Date of Next Meeting:

Council confirmed the date of the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 9th April, 7pm at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors

Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting Wednesday 17th April 2024 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors.

18.       Closure of Meeting:  The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.55 hrs




Chairman: ______________________________________________Date:_________________











BACS HMRC Clerk & PC NIC 163.97 0.00 163.97
BACS Mrs D Bowles Salary & Expenses 1233.90 1233.90
BACS Mr A Green Printing Costs 50.00 0.00 50.00
BACS Bidford Juniors FC Grant 250.00 0.00 250.00
BACS Mrs R Green Warm Hub Expenses 21.50 21.50
BACS Signs R Us Ltd Playing Field signage 108.00 18.00 90.00
BACS Origin Environmental Arboriculture Ltd Tree Survey Playing Field 1184.40 197.40 987.00
BACS Jan McClean Warm Hub Expenses 9.25 9.25
BACS GPP Warm Hub Posters 56.00 56.00
BACS WCC Streetlight Maintenance 107.78 17.96 89.82
BACS Arden Pest Control Mole Clearance 125.00 125.00
BACS WCC Allotment Rental 90.00 90.00
BACS Water Plus Allotment Water 9.98 1.66 8.32
BACS PlayMaintainRepair Playground Inspection 150.00 25.00 125.00
BACS House of Flags Flag Maintenance 420.00 70.00 350.00
BACS Kim James Warm Hub Expenses 206.28 206.28
DC Amazon Defib Responder Pack 16.51 2.75 13.76
DC Amazon Digital Thermometer 9.99 1.67 8.32
DD Lloyds Service Charge 7.00 0.00 7.00
DD NEST Clerk Pension 297.82 0.00 297.82
DD O2 Line Rental Charge 23.57 3.93 19.64
DD EDF Energy TOPs 223.00 223.00
DD Yu Energy Streetlight Energy 19.77 0.94 18.83
DD Yu Energy Streetlight Energy 79.71 3.80 75.91
Total 4863.43 343.11 4520.32









BACS HMRC Clerk & PC NIC 164.17 0.00 164.17
BACS Mrs D Bowles Salary & Expenses 1216.62 1216.62
BACS Steve Baker Services PROW Works 72.00 0.00 72.00
BACS APM Fire & Security Fire Alarm System 2829.94 471.66 2358.28
BACS APM Fire & Security Extinguisher Maintenance 89.52 14.92 74.60
BACS APM Fire & Security Electrical Works 282.00 47.00 235.00
BACS Mrs R Green Warm Hub Expenses 63.49 0.00 63.49
BACS Limebridge Rural Open Space Trees 2142.00 357.00 1785.00
BACS Water Plus Allotments 8.78 1.46 7.32
BACS SDC Bin emptying 159.60 26.60 133.00
BACS Edge IT Annual Fee 382.80 63.80 319.00
BACS Jan McClean Warm Hub Expenses 3.25 3.25
BACS Jan McClean Warm Hub Expenses 22.05 22.05
BACS GPP Newsletter Printing 595.00 595.00
DC Microsoft Annual License Bowles 59.99 10.00 49.99
DC Gov.Uk Land & Property Search 9.00 0.00 9.00
DD Pozitive Energy Defib Energy 50.50 2.40 48.10
DD Pozitive Energy Defib Energy 400.97 66.83 334.14
DD Lloyds Service Charge 7.00 0.00 7.00
DD NEST Clerk Pension 186.57 0.00 186.57
DD O2 Line Rental Charge 23.57 3.93 19.64
DD EDF Energy TOPs 108.00 108.00
DD Yu Energy Streetlight Energy 20.25 0.96 19.29
DD Yu Energy Streetlight Energy 84.00 3.00 81.00
Total 8959.02 1069.56 7911.51






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