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Extra Ordinary Council Meeting 21st November 2023


To all Members of the Council


You are hereby summoned to attend an Extra ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington on Tuesday 21st November 2023 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.




Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council                                                                              Wednesday 15th November



1.       To Receive & Accept Apologies:
2.       Members are reminded of the need to: –

1)     Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item

2)     Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and

3)     State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*


*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.


If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.


Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.


If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.

3.       Open Forum

Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:

a. Open Forum:

At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration.  Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting.  There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items.  During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.

b. Open forum for the under 18s.
c. To receive the Ward Member’s reports (3 minutes maximum each Ward Councillor)

Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders

4.       Minutes:

To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 8th November 2023 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors.

5.       Planning Matters:

Planning Matters To Consider :

23/02995/DEM11 Proposed : Demolition of redundant office building at Alamo Group Europe Ltd , Station Road, Salford Priors, Warwickshire WR11 8SW

6.       Date of Next Meeting:

To confirm the date of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Wednesday 13th December 2023 at the Memorial Hall Salford Priors to discuss the budget and any planning applications only.

7.       Closure of Meeting :


Salford Priors Parish Council


Minutes of an Extra Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held

At the Baptist Church Hall, Dunnington on Tuesday 21st  November 2023.


Present:  Councillors: K James (Chairman), R Green, L Maude, J McLean, J Meakins & L Stanley.

Also in attendance: 16 members of the public.

1.       Apologies accepted for absence:

Cllr. D Price, Mrs Donna Bowles, Clerk to the Parish Council

In the absence of the Clerk, it was agreed that Cllr. James would minute the meeting.

2.       Register of Interests: Members were reminded of the need to keep their register of interests up to date

Members were reminded that they must act solely in the public interest and should never improperly confer

an advantage or disadvantage on any person or act to gain financial or other material benefits for

themselves, their family, a friend, or close associate.


Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item


Declaration of Interests: DPI – None declared

ORI – None declared

NRI – None declared


Members were also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter. – None declared


3.       Order of Business – The Chairman stated that the running order of the printed agenda would be changed to allow fluidity of the business to be transacted. There would be no Ward Member Reports.
4.       Acceptance of Minutes:

The Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th November2023 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors were agreed by the Council to be a true record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.

5.       Open Forum: The Chairman moved that the meeting be adjourned for the Public Open Forum and this was agreed.

a)     16 members of public were present:

–        Residents spoke about the demolition notice for the redundant office building at Alamo Station Road otherwise known as the former Station Masters House and waiting room. Residents expressed their concern and anger that this building was proposed for demolition. Two residents read from prepared statements from neighbours that were absent and could not attend the meeting.


–        It was explained to the meeting Whilst it is disappointing and saddening that this application has been submitted by Alamo it must

be noted that this is not an application for planning permission to demolish the old station house. As such there is no scope for the District Council to consider the merits of the proposal to demolish the building. Instead, this is an application for prior approval under Class B of Part 11 of the General Permitted Development Order 2015.Class B provides that any building operation consisting of the demolition of a building is permitted development. “Development is not permitted by Class B if—(a) the building has been rendered unsafe or otherwise uninhabitable by the action or inaction of any person having an interest in the land on which the building stands and it is practicable to secure safety or health by works of repair or works for affording temporary support”


It is arguable that the old station house has been rendered unsafe or otherwise uninhabitable by the inaction of Alamo and that it is practicable to secure safety or health by works of repair or works for affording temporary support. If such an argument is successful, this would prevent Alamo from relying upon the permitted development rights under Class B of Part 11. As a result, Alamo would need to submit an application for planning permission for the demolition of the building which would enable the Council to consider the planning merits of such an application.


The Chairman closed the open forum and reconvened the meeting at 19:25

6.       Planning Matters:

Considered :

a)     23/02995/DEM11  Proposed – Demolition of redundant office building at Alamo Group Europe Ltd, Station Road Salford Priors WR11 8SW


It was resolved:
That Salford Priors Parish Council objects to the proposed demolition of the former Station House Station Road Salford Priors for the following reasons:

Paragraph B1 sets out a number of exceptions where demolition will not be permitted under Class B.

Paragraph B2 sets out the conditions for the exercise of the permitted development right under Class B. This includes the requirement on the applicant to apply to the local planning authority for a determination as to whether the prior approval of the authority will be required as to the method of demolition and any proposed restoration of the site.


(a) the building has been rendered unsafe or otherwise uninhabitable by the action or inaction of any person having an interest in the land on which the building stands and it is practicable to secure safety or health by works of repair or works for affording temporary support”

It is arguable in the view of the Parish Council and residents, that the old station house has been rendered unsafe or otherwise uninhabitable by inaction and that it is practicable to secure safety or health by works of repair or works for affording temporary support.


If the Parish Council argument is successful, this would prevent the applicant from relying upon the permitted development rights under Class B of Part 11. As a result, the applicant would need to submit an application for planning permission for the demolition of the building which would enable the District Council to consider the planning merits of such an application.


The loss of this building would have a detrimental impact on the adjacent Conservation Area, the historic character of the Parish is evident in its buildings, the protection of these buildings is essential to retain the historic character and landscape of the Parish.


The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in paragraph 126 stresses the need to conserve and enhance the natural environment, including the countryside and its landscapes, while supporting thriving rural businesses and communities.


NDP Policy SP2 recognises the importance of giving local people the opportunity to identify local heritage that they would like recognised and protected, the retention of this building has significant support. The building makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and the overall historic character of the adjoining Salford Priors Conservation Area.

  1. Historical Significance: The historical value of this former GWR building, Station House is fundamental to the local area’s history. Being nearly 130 years old, it holds both cultural and architectural significance, representing a specific era and style of construction.
  2. Architectural Value: It’s distinctive characteristics maintains a link to the history of the railway in Salford Priors.
  3. Community Importance:  There is significant importance of this building to the community. It serves as a landmark on the primary approach to the village creating a sense of identity and connection for residents.
  4. Adaptive Reuse Possibilities: There could be alternative uses for the building, Adaptive reuse would allow for the preservation of this historical structure while repurposing it for modern needs.
  5. Environmental Conservation: There is a negative environmental impact on its demolition. Preserving and repurposing this building is more sustainable than constructing new ones, reducing the carbon footprint associated with new construction materials and waste.
  6. Public Support: There is widespread public interest in preserving this building.
  7. Alternative Development Plans: The Parish Council would be willing to collaborate with the applicant their architects and preservation experts to safeguard this historical structure.
  8. Long-Term Legacy: It is important to leave a legacy for future generations. Preserving this historical building allows future inhabitants to connect with their past and the heritage of the parish.


b)     Listing & Designation of the Building Historic England

Members discussed applying to Historic England to list the building and designated the building as an historical asset, the Chairman explained the procedure and the costs involved there would be an initial pre- determination fee of £450 then if taken forward the investigation would cost between £2,000 and £6,000 that would be borne by the Parish Council. It should be recognised that the cost would be payable if the application was unsuccessful.

Resolved –That the Chairman would make an application to Historic England for express spot listing of the former Station Master’s House and Waiting Room as a matter of urgency. Proposed by Cllr. Meakins Seconded by Cllr Green on being put to the vote it was Unanimously Agreed.


c)      Planning Consultancy – The Chairman advised members that in his view the Parish Council should consider having the services of a Planning Consultant that the Council could call on for advice, representation as and when required, he proposed that Avon Planning Services who were a local consultancy and advisors to WALC should be considered.

Resolved –That Avon Planning Services are appointed as planning consultants and advisors to the Salford Priors Parish Council to be used as and where necessary. Unanimously Agreed.

7.       Date of Next Meeting:

Council confirmed the date of the next Ordinary Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 7.00pm in the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors. This is to discuss the budget and any planning applications only.

8.       Closure of Meeting:  The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.56 hrs


Chairman: ______________________________________________Date:_________________



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