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January Parish Council Meeting


To all Members of the Council


You are hereby summoned to attend an ordinary meeting of the Salford Priors Parish Council to be held at The Memorial Hall, Salford Priors on Wednesday 15th January 2025 at 7.00pm for the purpose of transacting the following business only.




Donna Bowles
Clerk to the Council                                                                                                                 8TH January 2025




1.           To Receive & Consider Apologies:
2.           Members are reminded of the need to: –

1)          Declare the existence of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI), Other Registerable Interest (ORI) or Non-Registerable Interest (NRI) for any agenda item

2)          Confirm the nature of the interest by explaining the connection between the interest and the agenda item, and

3)          State what action (if any) they will take in relation to the interest when the agenda item is discussed*


*In the case of a DPI or ORI the obligation is to not participate in any discussion or vote and to leave the meeting room, unless the member has a dispensation from the Clerk to the Parish Council.


If the existence and nature of any interest only becomes apparent later in the meeting it must be disclosed immediately. If a DPI or ORI is not already registered, members must notify the Clerk to the Parish Council of the interest within 28 days.


Members are also reminded of the need to declare predetermination on any matter.


If Members are unsure about whether or not they have an interest, or about its nature, they are strongly advised to seek advice from the Clerk prior to the meeting.


3.           Open Forum


Chairman to Move: The Meeting & Standing Orders be now adjourned:


Sarah Brooke-Taylor, Warwickshire Rural Community Council Rural Housing Enabler to provide information on a local housing needs survey.


a. Open Forum:

At the Chairman’s discretion residents are invited to give their views and question the Parish Council on issues on this Agenda, or raise issues for future consideration.  Members of the public may not take part in the Parish Council Meeting.  There will be no discussion by members of the Council during this session but the views expressed may be considered later as part of particular agenda items.  During this period, in accordance with the revised Code of Conduct, members of the Council who have a disclosable interest (but not a disclosable pecuniary interest) in an item on the Agenda may also make representations, answer questions, or give evidence relating to that item.


b. Open forum for the under 18s.

c. To receive the Ward Member’s reports (3 minutes maximum each Ward Councillor)

–        SDC – Cllr Lauren Stanley

–        WCC – Cllr Daren Pemberton


Chairman to Move: To close the adjournment and the suspension of Standing Orders

4.           Minutes:

To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 11th December 2024 at the Memorial Hall, Salford Priors.

5.           Planning Matters:

Planning Matters Considered :

a)          24/02962/VARY Proposed – Variation of Condition 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 19 of 23/02104/VARY dated 31 October 2023 to allow for alterations to Unit 1, 2 and 3, revised Climate Change Checklist and submission of large scale details, landscaping details with consequent alterations to parking/ turning, submission of material schedule and removal of condition 10 as it is no longer necessary. Original description of development: Variation of condition no.2 of planning permission reference 22/01832/FUL dated 21 March 2023 to allow for revised plans amending fenestration details to Barn 1 and rebuild of walls to southern element of Barn 3.

Original description of development: Conversion of agricultural barns to three dwellings along with works and extensions to facilitate conversion, including regrading of access and verge.

At Old Dunnington Barns, Old Dunnington Farm, Dunnington, Alcester B49 5NU. Following consultation via email Clerk responded with the following comments: The Parish Council note the minor amendments to the application and the superseded plans and drawings.


b)         24/02500/LDP – Proposed – The construction of a 5m x 4m 3m high hexagonal woodenshelter in the far corner of the churchyard at St Matthews Church, Station Road, Salford Priors, WR11 8UX. Application Withdrawn.

c)          In accordance with Condition 1 of Notice of Decision dated 16 November 2023 Reference

No. 22/02022/OUT and in accordance with Condition 1 of Notice of Decision dated 16

August 2024 Reference No. 24/00614/VARY. The details are approved for the following development, namely:-

Reserved matters (landscaping and layout in relation to site infrastructure)

pursuant to outline application 22/02022/OUT for 16no. self-build and custom housebuilding plots

Enforcement: To receive updates on the following enforcement investigations

d)         Bomford Way Section 106 Non- compliance of offering Public Open Space to the Parish Council

e)          Priors Crescent – Ongoing investigation into Public Open Space

f)            Bomford Way – Crossing of footway for creation of vehicle crossing removal of hedge landscaping condition

6.           Clerk’s Progress Report :

a)          There is no further update regarding the adoption of Bomford Way. This is in the hands of the developer.

b)         Warwickshire County Council have acknowledged receipt of the report of the blocked dropped kerb at the entrance of Bomford Way and are currently working to fix it although this may be delayed in poor weather conditions.

c)          The repairs of the subsidence on the blind bend in the vicinity of the junction with Ennister Lane works in progress as of 6th January 2025.

d)         The BT Openreach manhole cover has been replaced on School Rd.

e)          Warwickshire County Council has confirmed they will be trimming the overgrown hedge by the bus stop on School Rd in January. No progress as of 6th January.

f)            B4088 overgrown hedge at Irons Cross, Warwickshire County Council will be attended to on Warwickshire County Council’s ‘flail cut programme’ which takes place from October onwards.

g)          Cllr James has chased Ed Ruane, the Stakeholder Engagement Manager, about the ongoing issues with Dunnington’s pumping station following additional details being forwarded.

h)         A follow-up email has been sent to Dr. Manuela Perteghella MP regarding the A46 (T) section between Stratford-on-Avon and Evesham – Salford Priors. Dr. Perteghella has sought assistance in organising a meeting with representatives from the affected Parish Councils and National Highways. The Clerk has proposed the Memorial Hall in Salford Priors as a venue for the meeting; however, coordinating availability among the relevant parties is proving challenging.

i)            Dr. Manuela Perteghella MP has also addressed the shortage of secondary school places, stating that these concerns are being actively advocated for.

j)            Clerk has submitted enquiry to Warwickshire CC Street lighting for the installation of street lighting columns from Park Hall Mews Sub-station to the Junction of Tothall Lane.

k)          B4088 Dunnington (Former quarry entrance) Traffic refuge sign damaged reported to WCC Highways.

l)            Planning Enforcement, Stratford District Council has been chased once again regarding the erection of wooden buildings for the rearing of Game Birds, Ragley Shoot, Dunnington Heath

m)      The 3 streetlight columns on School Rd are being connected as of 7th January 2025.

n)         The Local Council Award Scheme application is progressing well.

7.           Highways & Maintenance Officer:

a)          To note jobs issued from last Council meeting; comment on progress

b)         To consider future tasks to be issued

8.           Working Groups Update: 

a)          Infrastructure & Built Environment:

1)          Highways

2)          Public Open Space – to note the trees have been replaced, new fence and posts installed. The Deed of Variation is now progressing with Solicitors.

3)          NDP – to consider the launch of a  local housing needs survey

4)          Playing Field – to note works to the swings have taken place by Wicksteed, the trampoline edging pieces are expected to be delivered January.

5)          Garden Allotments – nothing to report

6)          PROW To receive report from Mr Green on the Public Rights of Way within the Parish

7)          To note the Winter Warm Hub attendance figures Sept 24 to Dec 24

b)         Communications – to receive update

c)          Project Delivery Group – to receive update following meeting on 9th January.

9.           Community :

a)          To receive feedback from Cllr James regarding Central Reporting System for Speed Concerns in Warwickshire Information Session.

b)         To receive TOPs roof update.

10.      Matters raised by Councillors:

Matters raised by Councillors are considered under this item. Councillors are also invited to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. (At the discretion of the Chairman Councillors may raise items at the meeting if considered necessary and urgent).

a)          Cllr James Station Road/A46T junction overhanging trees obstructing footway and danger to pedestrians and vehicles from falling and blocking the road.

11.      Consideration of Correspondence Received :

a)          To consider proposed name of new development on Land West Of Evesham Road, Salford Priors, WR11 8UR

b)         Response to the petition requesting the retention of the Christmas tree on the island at School Rd/Evesham Rd.

c)          To consider and note HM Government review & proposals of local government, the proposed changes to Warwickshire County Council and the District & Borough Councils in Warwickshire in 2026 & 2027.

12.      Correspondence to Note:

(The Clerk will provide individual copies of correspondence for retention if required).

a)                            WALC Weekly Updates – Circulated

b)                           NALC Updates – Circulated

c)                            Email from resident regarding line painting scheme on Station/Evesham Rd

d)                           Email regarding the South Warwickshire Local Plan (SWLP) Preferred Options approved for


13.      Regulatory Document Review:

a)     Health & Safety

b)     Complaints Procedure

c)      Safeguarding Policy

d)     Zero Tolerance Policy

e)     Review Planning Committee Standing Orders

14.      Finance : General

a)          Consideration and approval of the payments and transfers listed in Appendix A and to agree 2 Councillor signatories to sign the payments sheet.

b)         To note the 2025/2026 precept request has been completed and forwarded to Stratford District Council

c)          To note the bank account balances

15.      Date of Next Meeting:

To confirm the dates of the Ordinary Parish Council Meetings for 2025.

16.      Closure of Meeting :



