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Salford Priors Neighbourhood Development Plan

Planning for the future of the residents of the seven settlements of the Parish of Salford Priors.

The Localism Act, which received its Royal Assent on 15 November 2011 ‘sets out a series of measures with the potential to achieve a substantial and lasting shift in power away from central government and towards local people.’ (Greg, Clark MP Minister of State for Decentralisation).

Neighbourhood Planning is a new way for communities to decide the future of the places where they live and/or work. Where they want new homes, shops, offices. What they should look like. When they should be built.

The Salford Seven Neighbourhood Development Plan will influence the future of Salford Priors Parish, including Abbots Salford, The Bevingtons, Dunnington, Iron Cross, Pitchill, Rushford and Salford Priors – homes, jobs, transport, education sports and social facilities, the natural environment etc, so it is important that ALL participate to ensure the future of the Parish is what the community want it to be.

The vision:

‘By 2031, the Parish of Salford Priors will be a safe, thriving rural community with a strong voice, which conserves its natural environment and historic character. Growth in population and enterprise will be diverse, sympathetic, well-designed and sustainable.’

The Neighbourhood Plan

You can read the latest version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan on the Stratford-on-Avon District Council website:

Salford Priors Neighbourhood Plan on SDC Website

How the Plan was Developed

1.0 Relevant Legislation

2.0 Background Legislation

3.0 National Background Documents

4.0 Local Background Documents

5.0 Other Information

Useful Websites

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