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Planning Applications

Parish Council Consultative Planning Committee

The Parish Council Consultative Planning Committee reviews planning applications submitted to Stratford-upon-Avon District Council Planning Authority. These applications are subject to a 21-day consultation period before the District Council reaches a decision. The committee convenes between Ordinary Parish Council meetings if necessary; otherwise, planning applications are discussed during the full Council’s monthly meetings.

As a consultee in the planning process, the committee does not have the authority to approve or reject planning applications. Instead, it provides a perspective that reflects local opinions to Stratford-upon-Avon District Council. The Local Planning Authority, which is responsible for making final decisions, considers these viewpoints along with input from the public and other relevant authorities.

Meeting notices and agendas are displayed on the seven parish notice boards at least three clear working days before the meeting date. These boards are located at Bomford Way, two locations on School Road, Priors Crescent, outside Dunnington C of E Primary School, the Rushford bus stop layby, and Abbots Salford.

You can find search for planning applications at

Planning Committee Members

Cllr Kim James (Chair)

Cllr Rosemary Green

Cllr James Meakins

Cllr Dave Price





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